
A welfare rights coalition?

by  |  earlier

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The following website was just posted under another question and I went to the site and read up on it. If they can do all of this work, (protesting outside welfare offices 1-4 times a week!), why in the world could they not work the same hours at a paying job and become productive citizens?




  1. Welfare is ok but  they could do something in return like work part time a volenteer program.  Or go get vocation and or degree.

  2. Dunno, I don't think we should do away with welfare, some people really do need help.. but there are also people who have children constantly to get more money, refuse to work, and collect welfare.

  3. I think if someone is going to be on welfare then they should have to produce something for the community in order to pay back.  whatever their talent is or whatever their former occupation is (if they can still perform it) they should have to work for the community until they find a paying job.  That would still allow those who need to have the resources they require.  The community wouldn't just be giving money away but would be paying someone to do a job.  It would also stop abuse because those who are just looking to laze about would have to actually work.  

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