
AAARGGGHHHHHHH <span title="...............................">............................</span>

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Now i've got ur attention lol. I suppose i'm not really looking for advice just wanted to get it off my chest. i seriously want to off myself. i just cant stand it anymore. there's no meaning behind anything we do. life is cold, nasty, brutish and short. i feel so alone all the time. it's not that i've got nobody around me, i have. they'r great people and im lucky 2 have them but they just don't understand me. they cant make it better no matter how hard they try. i'll only end up ruining their lives if i stay alive. i turn eighteen next month which shud be a cause for celebration. but 4 me i'd do anything to avoid it. for most people it symbolises independence and the excitement of moving on to a new life but i just feel as though my countless failures are being rubbed in my face. i know im young but i honestly can't envision any future happiness. alot of people can escape bad situations and improve their lives but my problem is self loathing which will never, ever go away




  1. its horrible aint it being in a world surrounded by people ........................................ but feeling the loanliest person in the world............

    you are not alone with your feeling........ but trust me what your thinking is NOT the option!!!!!!!

  2. practice yoga , will make you positive ,

  3. get a doctors help you need it

  4. Rant ,reported, removed

  5. Things only change if you want them too, and they stay the same if you do nothing to change them. Simply be the best person you can be and anyone who has a problem with you, has a problem themselves. No one is perfect and you can&#039;t expect to be. You can&#039;t dwell on the past, you can only look to the future and it becomes what you make it.  

  6. take heart, you aren&#039;t the only 18 year old to feel that way.  I went through a horribly depressing time at your age and was suicidal over it.  

    You mention &quot;countless failures.&quot;  And you mention wanting to avoid the independence and moving on to a new life as things you want to avoid.  It sounds like life on your own sounds scary, and I know how that feels.  It can be really scary.  

    And you mention self-loathing.  A good sense of your self worth is really important, and no one is a total success or a total failure.  People are mixed bags, and you are no different.  

    Finding out why you have such a bad self esteem would be the first step to erradicating it.  You are a person of worth, and you can find out what that is, perhaps counseling would help.... but if not, I can see you are intelligent and could do a lot for yourself on your own.

    Look realistically at yourself and see yourself as a real person, with good and bad.  Find the good, and make more good, and build your self-esteem.  

    The world might sem cold and harsh to you because you ar going to go out into it, and nothing is for sure.  Life is like that, but it can be a wonderfullly warm and welcoming place too, if you take your own life in hand and direct it toward what you value, what you perceive as good, and don&#039;t listen to anyone who tries to bring youdown.

    If you KNOW that you are worthy of life on this planet, it won&#039;t matter what anyone else thinks.

    All the best,

    Lady Morgana

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