
AHHH help my b***s shrank?

by  |  earlier

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yes my b***s shrank from a B cup to an A cup!!!

I've been exercising my butt off to get rid of my tighs and some of my stomach instead my butt and bust are strinking!

Note: I'm Asian so I'm one of the luckey ones that actually 'had' a bust and butt. I'd actually like that fat to stay in my bust but i don't know whats going on!





  1. since you exercise anyway try these with what you do to enhance your b*****s;

    Enhance the Bust Line By Exercises

    Since the b*****s are composed primarily of glandular tissue and fat, no amount of exercise will change their actual size or shape. But you can develop the chest muscles underneath the b*****s (pectoral muscles) to improve your posture and give the illusion of lifted b*****s.

    Here is how:

    Chest Press:

    Lying on the floor (or a bench), hold the dumbbells end to end just above the chest height. Be sure that your elbows are pointing out. Press the dumbbells straight up, extending your arms and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat for 10 times per day

    Cobra Stretch:

    Lie facedown with your feet together, your toe pointed and you hands on the floor. Make sure that your palms are down just in front of your shoulders. Pressing your hands into the floor, gently extend your arms, lifting your upper body off the floor as far as comfortably possible. If you feel any strain in your back, alter the pose so that you keep your elbows bent and your forearms on the floor.

    Praise Pose Strech:

    Kneel with toes pointed behind you. Sit back onto your heels, and lower your chest to your thighs. Stretch your arms overhead, and rest your palms and forehead on the floor (or as close as comfortable).

    Chest Lift:

    Lie facedown on the floor with your hands under your chin. Lift your head, chest, and arms about 5 to 6 inches off the floor. Hold the position for 10 seconds. And Repeat 5-10 times per day.

    Downward Dog:

    Position yourself on the floor on your hands and knees, your feet flexed. Press your hands and feet into the floor, raising your hips toward the ceiling. Your body should look like an upside-down "V". Keep lifting your tailbone toward the ceiling as you lower your heels to the floor as far as comfortably possible.

  2. body fat is equally spread over your body, so if you loose or gain weight you should expect the results all over, including your b***s and butt

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