
ALLERGIC REACTION randomly in California/Vacation!?

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Hi there;

I NEVER have bad allergic reactions to anything;

as I have gotten older, Ive started having light/medium seasonal allergies, but that is all. I take med. prescribed from doctor, and that always takes care of it.

Until last week, I was visiting California, in a hotel,(in Bay area) and starting on the SECOND day I was visiting, I woke up next morning with a very PUFFY eye! It freaked me out at first...because ive NEVER gotten puffy eyes like this before!(only my left eye...)

And I had been taking my allergy medicine as well.

Each day, it got worse, and when i took my med it would go down to being lightly notice-able. Now, ive started getting extremely itchy bumps ALL OVER my body! (Including; neck, TORSO(all over!), legs, scalp, hands, etc) It is so frustrating!

The only thing I can remember doing-differently this past week was;

-using a different 'hair dye' than I usually do(to lighten my hair...)

*dying my hair is a usual thing for me. never have broken out so horribly because of it.

-and also...the first night, I grabbed a flower off of a Big Oleandar bush(near my hotel room) not having any idea of the supposed 'toxicity'.

I had it kept behind my ear for probably around 20-30 min, and that was it.

Please help!!



( It seems to even have maybe gotten WORSE now that I am back in Virginia(home.))




  1. puffy eyes may be a sty but itchy bumps is probably too much toxin build up inside your body. U may need to get on a clean diet for a few weeks

  2. Wow - I've had allergies, too - and they can drive you nuts!  I would strongly suggest that you get to a doctor or an emergency room ASAP!  What you are experiencing may not be just allergies - since it has gotten worse after you returned home.  Vasculitis can show up as itchy red bumps, too.  But only a doctor could accurately diagnose it for sure.  

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