
ANY HELP?!?!?! on what to do?

by  |  earlier

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ok my grandma and aunt are going to bed early today and ill be all by myself with the TV and myself what would be some fun things to do ((have to stay on the couch and its pretty dark exept for the TV?? anything exciting to do? im 13




  1. couch potatoe all day long :]]] there is nothing to do sweetheart. obviously if you have to stay in the couch then i say watch tv eat snacks

  2. Why don't you start a hobby. You could cross stitch, knit or latch hook.

  3. raid the fridge and watch a movie lol. that's what i always do. =]

  4. if u have cable watch that 70's sahow its on the n and fx and mabey saved by the bell on the n oh and queen bees also on the n

  5. hmmm snack attack the kitchen =D

    thats always cool. some horrors. haha. mm maybe not. lets seeeee...then just watch some tv and play some video games. yeah! you could text or call one of your friends...and talk to them quietly. =)

  6. Video Games, TV, Movie and some snacks

  7. Oh no i bet creepy answers are pouring in now :( . Well i was your age and alone  i would first blast music dance like crazy in my pjs , snoop around a bit  , go out buy some great ice cream and snacks , watch some movies online ( ) , sing your fave songs acapella , maybe invite a friend over ;) , surftheweb , idk just have fun !


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