
ATC and your personal plane

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so me and my friend recently were playing FSX online and we dont know what to say to ATC to land...and if you just land w/o them telling you that you can land... you get booted

so lets say im in a Cessna skyhawk landing at runway 16 my call number is N0239J

how do i land? by ATC flying VFR




  1. At least give your "position, altitude, destination, and any request(s)."

    When cleared to land acknowledge with your call sign and "Roger" or "Wilco."  

    You aren't expected to read back a landing clearance unless it is a land and hold short clearance.

  2. Assuming you are approaching a towered airport (it sounds like you are, if they insist that you talk to ATC):

    You: XYZ tower, Cessna zero two tree niner juliet inbound VFR for landing, seven miles northeast of Podunk [Podunk being a nearby VOR] at tree thousand five hundred with information lima [the latest recorded ATIS giving airport information, if you have it].

    ATC: Cessna zero two tree niner juliet, make left downwind runway niner.

    You: Left downwind runway niner, Cessna zero two tree niner juliet.

    As you make your pattern approach to the airport, at some point you'll hear:

    ATC: Cessna tree niner juliet, winds one zero zero at four, runway niner, cleared to land.

    You: Cleared to land, runway niner, Cessna tree niner juliet.

    After landing, you'll hear something like:

    ATC: Cessna tree niner juliet, turn left when able, taxi to parking via alpha, echo, remain this frequency.

    You: Alpha then echo, remain with you, tree niner juliet.

    That should work well enough for you.  This assumes you're at a small U.S. airport with a tower (Class D, for example).  At big airports it gets more complicated.  At an airport with no tower or ATC, you can just say:

    You: XYZ traffic, inbound VFR for landing making left downwind runway niner, six miles northeast at tree thousand.

  3. At most airports, there isn't any ATC, so you'd just report your position.

    _______ traffic, cessna 39 juliet, landing runway 16, full stop. _____ traffic.

  4. You say: (Airport) Tower, Cessna November Zero Two Three Niner Juliet, straight in for runway One Six.

    They Say (maybe not right away): Cessna Three Niner Juliet, cleared to land runway One Six.

    You repeat back: Cleared to land, runway One Six, Cessna Three Niner Juliet.

  5. a simple way to remember is like this:

    On FIRST contact with ATC you must state....

    1) the name of the ATC unit you are calling (eg. Sydney Approach or Melbourne Tower etc)

    2) Who and what you are (eg Cessna, November zero two three.. etc)

    3) Where you are (location and altitude (and whether you are climbing or descending)

    4) Your intentions

    For example I am 5 minutes from entering the Sydney Control zone (you can see the zone boundaries on GPS)

    I would say: " Sydney Approach,  Cessna Nov zero one two...  is 10 miles to the southwest at 5000 feet, inbound to land".   In the real world you would also add that you had recieved the latest ATIS report by adding " recieved Alpha or Delta or whatever the latest ATIS is .

    Thats all you need to do. ATC will then direct you to climb, descend, turn to a heading, change frequency to the Tower etc. All you have to do from then on is to obey all instructions and read back the instructions and clearances they give you, so that they know that you have recieved and understood them - and always adding your call sign at the end.

    Some of the online flight sim organizations are awesome, but a little intimidating for novices as they expect a level of professionalism. Start off flying in the simple tower based gaming rooms and then progress. Always listen to what others are saying - that helps alot.

    Have fun!

  6. The very basic formula for any initial radio call is:

    Who you are talking to

    Who you are

    Where you are

    What you want to do

    For example:

    Van Nuys tower, Cessna 0239J is 5 miles south for landing (or full stop, or whatever you want to call it).

    They will reply with any number of things but the most likely are:

    1) Cessna 0239J continue inbound expect runway 16R.

    2) Cessna 0239J cleared to land runway 16R

    3) Cessna 0239J enter left base (or right base, or downwind, or whatever)

    A very helpful think to do would be to listen to any live feeds at . I would suggest any smaller airport, try KAPA for a start. It will help you get comfortable with ATC lingo.  

  7. well lets say you want to Land at Santa Monica airport

    you first would call (proabally socal apporach control

    (as I belive all the aprpoach for all the aiports in the LA areas

    then then will guide toward to SMO and then to contact SMO tower

    and they will clear you for landing

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