
ATM machine in a casino?

by Guest57937  |  earlier

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Why do thay put a sign with a 800 number saying if you have a problem with gambling call this number on top of the ATM.




  1. Its the law

  2. I believe it is a law, but more than that, it is a liability policy of the casino.

  3. because people playing on the tables don't see this sign anywhere else so if they bounce back and forth from table to ATM they at least get this reality check.  Plus it gives management something to say if someone's crying to them about their losses.  Also it's the law.

  4. It's the law in my local casino there is also leaflets and signs strategically posted around the place... In the lobby at the bar, on every machine (I think) and even in the restrooms (above the sinks).

    Basically the organisations who are trying to help gambling addicts hope that with thi if someone is in the unfrtunate position of a addiction they can call the number and get help :)

  5. Because some people will wipe out their account in a night and then feel like c**p, so they figure they have a problem..

  6. Because people run out of money, they go over their limit and will definitely see the sign every time they go to get more money out of their bank acct.

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