
Abortion Help.....??

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I am 14 years old and last week I found out I was pregnant...and I need an abortion. Please don't tell me not to get it. This is my decision and I've made up my mind.

Well I live in Illinois (Chicago) and I'll probably be going to planned parenthood. But I have some questions..

1.Do my parents have to know? (I DO NOT want them to find out)

2.How much would it cost?

3.Does anyone over 18 have to be there with me?

4.Can I pay right there in cash?

The guy is 15. He doesn't know. Should I tell him? I'm really scared. Please help me.




  1. 1. no

    2. no clue, usually around $350 but PP might be cheaper?

    3. no

    4. Probably

  2. Hey,

    Okay I am a 14 year old guy, and I can answer your questions.

    I totally understand that you are getting an abortion, because it would be almost impossible to raise a child at age 14.

    In the state of Illinois, your parents do not need to know.

    You can show up at the abortion clinic all by yourself and get one.

    There are 2 types of abortion, surgical and medical.

    I would highly suggest you get a medical.

    All you do is show up at the abortion clinic, take a pill, then you go home and you have to put a pill into your v****a, and that is it.

    A surgical abortion, is where they do surgery on you, and take out the baby. It would be alot harder for a 14 year old.

    It will cost from 450-600 for a surgical abortion (the one with pills)

    You can pay in cash.

    I don't think you should tell the guy he got you pregnant, it would just cause drama.

    If you have any more questions, email me at,

    Good luck.

  3. I agree with jane doe Also tell your parents they will understand and tell the father.. You will feel so guilty once you KILL the baby.

  4. why wouldn't we want you to get an abortion?


  5. okay, well youre going to get a ton of people telling you youre crazy and that youre a bad person because you want an abortion.

    But, if you really want this to work out, i would find someone over 18 there with you.  Maybe an older sister or brother?  Go to planned parenthood and find out what your options are.  I wouldnt worry about paying for an abortion yet.  First see what your choices are and get help.  Chances are, your parents might find out about this and telling the guy would probably be a good idea.  You shouldnt be doing this whole thing on your own.  If your parents find out, theyll be upset, but im sure theyll be willing to help you.  Just take a deep breath and find someone to tell this to first.  

  6. Hey hun, first off I wanna say I know this is scary, I was in the same situation a while back.  Anyways, I would recommend telling your partner, not only will you feel relieved that he knows (regardless of if he is supportive or not) and he may be able to offset the cost.  If you are going to Planned Parenthood it shouldn't be too expensive, around $300 maybe, I really am not sure.  Also, I realize that you probably feel you CAN'T tell you parents, and I understand, they only reason I would advise you to let them know is so they can be there for emotional support, but I couldn't tell them when this happened to me.  Also, if you go to Planned Parenthood your parents cannot find out. Planned Parenthood is all about privacy, whether you are a minor or not.

    Hope I helped, and good luck.  There are many website discussions that are avaliable to help you cope with this, and they won't know who you are so you won't have to worry about someone finding out!

  7. the baby is living breathing it has fingernails its murder to abort it take responsibility for your actions your parents had you give this baby the same chance u could always find parents to adopt your baby please dont kill it

  8. Ok first of all, Jane Doe? yeh keep your opinions to yourself because everyone makes mistakes. Anyway, every law for every state is different. I'm from TN and here you have to have atleast one person over the age of 18 to consent but you should check the laws for IL. I've never had an abortion but i'm pretty certain that it's not cheap but once again it goes back to your state, go to and find more information.Also, if the law says you're allowed to have an abortion without consent, they can't tell your parents,no. Tell the guy, btw,if you think he can handle it. Good luck

  9. abortion is murder. please think this through. you will feel guilty the rest of your life and it is not this baby's fault you decided to have s*x at such an immature age.

  10. This is such a dirty, nasty, murderous act! its disgusting!

    If you aren't old enough to get pregnant, your not old enough to have s*x then!

  11. in my opion do not get an abortion tell ur parents and the guy and give the baby up for adoption  one more it was ur falut why hurt a baby u moron  thing IF UR GOING 2 HAVE s*x KEEP A CONDOM WITH U

  12. Well i know a couple of these answers...

    I would tell the guy i mean he should know that you are pregant and what you are going to do.

    I would telll my parents after i get it i mean idk wither before or after?.

    Thats all i can help you with sorry hun good luck:).

  13. Tell the guy. The cost depends on how late you are into your pregnancy. If you're early I think it costs around $200. If you're about 4 or 5 months, it will double. I think you have to have someone over 18 for consent. But I applaud you for getting an abortion. That is a very brave thing to do. You are too young to have a baby and are certainly not ready. Good Luck!

  14. If you are 14, you will need a parental unit there with you. Those are expensive but I applaud you. You know you're too young and not ready for a baby. Don't let pro-lifers try to convince  you to keep it as it won't BE THEM to raise the baby.

    Get the abortion then get on birth control.  

  15. there are special places that you can go that your parents don't need to find out about. you don't need someone over 18 with you. you should be able to pay right there, but i have no idea how much it costs. call your local health nurse, she should have all the information.

  16. First of all im proud of you for doing this. Most people wont have the guts to get an abortion. I myself am pro-choice. I believe if the women feels like this is what is best then they should do it. Ignore all the people saying its murder. Its not or you would be charged with murder when doing it and it would be illegal which it is not.

    I would tell my mom, but then again if your closer with your dad then tell him

    Im pretty sure its like 200 dollars but i guess it can be different from place to place.

    I believe you do have to have someone oevr eighteen to be with you, you can always go in and ask.

    yes you can pay cash.

    And yes tell the guy! He has a right to know:)

  17. I would say not to,but I am pro choice,so you do whatever you ant.

    At planed parenthood,it depends on where you live(whether or not you need consent.),you can find out that here: or here:

    The cost depends on your financial situation and what trimester you are in.

    First trimester is $300-$600

    Second trimester is $500-$5000

    And for the over 18 question,it all depends where you live.

    Yes,you can pay right there in cash.

    And I encourage you to tell your boyfriend,after you get the abortion,so he wont have to worry. If he is the type that would leave you,you probably dont want him anyways. Most likely h**l sympathize and help you get over the whole abortion thing.

    Use a condom!
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