
About Cern LHC?

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Can man possibly create primordial black holes or is this just a theory? I don't think that are objective is to destroy the Universe, is it? Why do people say that? I don't want to be scared but I am. Are there micro black holes being created every day by the suns comic rays? how is the particle accelerater different from the suns cosmic rays?

Lastly Why is the Hawking Theory accepted if it hasn't been observed? Thanks




  1. I guarantee you that the people who are "flirting with disaster" are at least twice as afraid to die as you are.

    Ultimately, they have so much physics knowledge that they aren't going to fudge.  Remember that each of these guys has a Ph.D. from an ivy league school.  So if you should trust riding the same roads shared with teenagers, or experts in a field who are over-qualified, top of their class, well respected generally great people who have devoted their lifes to research so that the rest of us can enjoy ours, trust the latter.

    These Physics guys dont even make 100k/year over there.  They dont drive H2 hummers, or live in a nice house in beverly hills.  They do applied research and help grad-students get some research opportunities.  Hope you'll give these guys another chance to earn your faith in them.

  2. theoretically it's possible, but we don't know because this kind of thing hasn't been done before. and any scientific theory has to be observed in order to be accepted.

  3. 1)  By definition, any black holes man could create wouldn't be primordial.

    2) Okay, no, the goal isn't actually to destroy the universe.  I have answered that on occasion when people ask the exact same stupid questions repeatedly.

    3)We don't really know if black holes are being created in the upper atmosphere because we don't have the capability to detect them.  By the way, the high energy protons that strike the earth that might create black holes are not from the sun but from deep space.

    4)  It's not too terribly different from cosmic rays.  It makes collisions just like the ones in the upper atmosphere, but it makes a whole lot of them in a small place where we can build a sensitive detector around it to see what comes out

    5) I wouldn't say that Hawking's Theories about black holes have been accepted.  Current experimental evidence can neither confirm them nor rule them out.  It's probably a bit of a longshot that we'd detect black holes, but we'll see.
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