
About Dwarft hamster ?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the thing. I own a male dwarft hamster, and I love him. and I want more :3

He's 9 months old. I'm not sure if I want a female dwarft so they can breed, or a male dwarft so he can play with a friend of his kind. I dont know if they gonna kill each other or not, so tell me what im suppose to do ? should I buy a female and put them in the same cage, or buy a male and put in the same cage, or buy any and separate them ? what are my options? thanks




  1. It might b risking it with a female and male hamster together in the same cage, they might breed no matter the age. If your hamster does breed read a book or get info about breeding online because you will loose them all if u don't care for them right. You also have to b prepared that there will b a lot of them and might not b able to keep all of them. You probably shouldn't buy 2 males they will fight no matter if they are in the same cage or if u let them out of the cage to play together, so it would b a good thing not to get 2 males!

    hope i helped

  2. from my experience, i think it is best to keep the hamsters in a cage with a separator so that they can be interacting but not directly, that way they have time to get used to each other and are less likely to fight. be sure that the hamsters are close enough to get to know the other ones, without being able to get in a fight.

  3. im not so sure about dwarfs killing each other.

    i know for a fact that the females are EXTREMELY TERRITORIAL and have been known to kill their own brothers that live in the same cage. another thing is that the babbies are AN ENORMOUS BURDEN TO TAKE CARE OF!! AND SELLING THEM IS AN EVEN HARDER JOB!!!

    tame both male hamster [if you decide to get one] and make sure that they are friendly towards one another.  they they can share a cage.

  4. Dwarf hamsters don't need to live a solitary life like Syrians.. It should be fine if you put another one in the cage, whichever s*x of hamster you decide to get.

  5. two males will fight and kill each other, despite popular belief dwarf hamsters are solitary animals too. you do not need another hamster and your hamster does not want another hamster. if you really want another hamster, put them in separate cages, and separate rooms or they will both be stressed, which will cause them to be aggressive, which will cause them to bite.

    do not breed your hamsters unless you know every single little thing you need to know about breeding. its not like breeding dogs where there will be three little happy puppies and all is well. hamster births are more complicated. i would be really concerned if you decided to breed hamster because you have no idea what you're doing. if you dont even know the answer to this question, you are not ready to breed hamsters.
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