
About Masturbation!!!!

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I am fourteen and i have a bit of pubic hair but when i m********e this liquid comes out. it isnt sperm but it is like clear white what is it?




  1. Eww.

    It's sperm, and if it's coming out while you're masturbating it is pre-come.

    Most men leak some s***n during stimulation to the p***s; s***n is the fluid that the sperms are contained in.  

  2. Pre-***

  3. Sounds like your getting over excited with masturbating possibly firing whats called blanks, i often get that problem myself, it is a sort of precum lubricant for your p***s and nothing to worry over.

    It can also happen in all ages of men who try masturbating very fast, slow things down if you can, relax more and enjoy the soothing feeling you get while playing with what nature gave you.  

  4. it is the seamen the sperm is carried in. nothing to worry about

  5. it's seminal fluid give it a little longer and then you'll start to produce sperm

  6. pre-*** possibly

  7. all it is is that because your body has not produced sperm before it is building its way up. so when you first start masterbating you don't produce anything then you move on to this clear liquid (you are on that stage) then it becomes white. your at a normal stage in puberty!

  8. Nothing to worry about.Has you get older it thickens.

  9. its undeveloped sperm wen u get older it will change into white sperm

  10. The liquid that comes out of your p***s when you m********e is called s***n.  One of the ingredients of s***n is sperm (the part that makes babies).  I don't know what you mean when you write "like clear white" so I will just go over the whole list.

    Before you climax, it's common for your p***s to leak a clear slippery fluid.  This is normal lubrication, similar to the lubrication that a girl will secrete at this stage of arousal (although a girl makes a lot more).  When you reach your climax (o****m), s***n will come out of your p***s in several pulses.  It may squirt out or just drip.  An adult's s***n is usually pearly-white in color, it may be a bit yellow at times.  The color and consistency can vary somewhat from time to time.  A young person's s***n may be completely clear because not all his glands are on line and the s***n isn't complete.  A young person also may ejaculate a smaller amount than a more developed one, for the same reason.

  11. Its sperm m8y. Unless ur an alien? This question is a joke right?

  12. ITS sperm /// per ***

  13. it just lubricates ur p***s , it's suppose to happen don't worry, just ur body preparing for s*x lol

  14. you may have aids what you have to do is swab a cotton bud in the eye and take it to the hospital and find out do this right away!!!

  15. i had that....i think it is actually sperm but its just like less concentrated....dont worry as you get a bit older it will become more and more white lol

    masterbation is my hobbie ;D

  16. Clogged pore in the hair follicle is probably busting like a pimple. No worries.

  17. probably pre-c u m comes out of the cowpers gland. it is a form of lubrication that the body naturally secretes when one is aroused e.g. getting ready to ejaculate.

    don't really know why i got a thumbs down. I'am right by the way compared to some of the ignorant answers from some of the other guys.

  18. It's spunk you fool- you've struck white gold my friend!!!


  20. pre c u m Its very normal and its good...nothing to worry about at 14. its like a starter. its normal and different people have different amounts some people release loads like come and others dont, like with me, u hardly notice it but u can feel its got a bit moister.

  21. s***n u still have low sperms cause ur still developing after some month it will get more whiter  

  22. It is called precoital fluid and it acts as a lubricant.

  23. is preejaculation liquid don`t worry

  24. sounds like pre ejaculation. keep rubbing to get out the real stuff!

  25. sqeeeetttttttt!!!!!!

    hun.. did you miss your s*x ed class???  

  26. It's either s***n without any sperm in it or it is just precum.

    At 14, you may not be producing very much sperm yet.

  27. if it's b4 u *** it's pre-*** lol

  28. It may well be just seminal fluid, if so sperm will be added when you are a little older.

  29. if its a clear whtitish color its sperm.

  30. **** masturbation! s*x is where its at! lmao
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