
About Psi balls and telekinesis etc....?

by Guest61994  |  earlier

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Is it really possible? i would like to believe that and start training immediately.. but really, can any of you manage to move things with your mind's power or anything like that?




  1. okay... for the skeptical. all have the ability to do it. when a person can sense something is wrong, or know if a person is lying or is bad news, thats an extra sense. its amazing what the body can do.

    its not really your mind moving the objects, its your body channeling the energy that circulates around it. your just manipulating it, and you push it out, and thats that pushes the object.

    im a slow learner, but even i can move paper by pushign my energy.

    just find some psi ball making sites. and practice praxtice practice.

  2. Some will say yes.  But none can.  Others will perform tricks to make you think they can.  (Uri Geller has been the champion of this for forty years.)  And still others will conduct very shoddy research intended to convince the world that some people can do it.

    The world is less miraculous than most beople believe, and yet more wonderful than they will ever know.  I think it's too bad that so many people feel they have to delve into the supernatural to get that high of discovery when the natural world is utterly mind-boggling in its beauty and complexity.  I guess it's because it takes a little more effort to learn about real things.

      Let anyone who claims to have PK powers take the Randi challenge.  So far, the vast majority of them have just made excuses for not doing it, like they don't WANT to win a million dollars.  The intrepid few who have tried, have failed miserably under reasonable controls.

  3. No it's  a bunch of c**p. Join us in the 21st century one of these days.

  4. Psi balls and telekinesis or two completely different things. Psi balls are concentrated energy and are often used to clear negative or stagnant energy in a space. Telekinesis is the ability to move an object using your mind and not your physical body.

    While I believe that it is possible for people to develop telekinesis abilities, I personally have never heard of any person who could successfully do it. Most who claim to able to do it are illusionists. Think David Copperfield for example, he creates illusions that look like he has made an object or person disappear and reappear, but it is for entertainment sake and is not real.

    The closest I have ever heard of anyone being successful is the Yogis in India and some monks who are able to levitate while meditating.

    There are lots of interesting information on the web for more information on both. And if you have success make sure to let us know. :)

  5. telekinesis is more mind over mind than mind over matter.  If you hold a pendulum and believe that you can make it spin, your brain will automatically make your hand (subliminally) spin it.  The human brain is quite powerful, but the strongest power it has is the power to trick itself.

  6. honey,

    You know that you can't do TK (fess up, we've all tried and failed).

    You know you can't levitate (althought after ingesting  particular mix of recreational pharma in college I did think I was floating).

    You don't know anybody (that you trust) who says they have done it either. Nor do the rest of us.

    If you are honest with yourself, you will believe it's not possible to do TK - UNTIL you do it yourself or see some very hard evidence.

    "Hard evidence" does not mean a late-night documentary on TV. Those TV producers will shoot anything (and leave out anything) just to have a program to show. Jees Louise, they put out that von Daniken 'ancient astronauts' tripe 20+ years ago and some stations are still showing it.

  7. As the name says, Psi-Balls are balls of energy, that can be used to do almost anything. Psi-balls are used for various purposes, such as Healing, Telepathy, Message Sending, Confidence and Prosperity boosting etc. PsiBalls are easy to make, and they are tangible ...very soon we can start seeing PSI-Balls with the naked eye and this is the first step to seeing the aura. Psi balls store up energy and their potential is high. Depending on the type and extent of programming, psiballs can be used for purposes ranging from 'pulling someone out of depression' to almost anything.

    check the link in the source bar for excercises on how to create them,.

    Telekinesis or Psychokinesis is about the movement of energy from faster moving frequency to the physical level. In that respect it is not unlike healing or energy work practiced by many healers today

  8. Yes it is true, i am practicing to. by some books on it and check out

  9. There are some people who can indeed move things without physically touching them... but it can't be done with just the mind.

    I mean, it takes energy to make something happen. Energy is the capacity to cause change. Unless energy is being exerted to move the object, nothing will happen. So the trick would be to use one's mind and energy to move the object, not just the mind.

    So that is the trickier part -- learning to manipulate energy from your body and convert it to force to push or move an object.

  10. read the full thing.....

    Telekinesis is possible,

    let me explain...

    some say you can't do it

    others say you get born with it

    i believe that you get born with it, same as everyone else in this big world, some people use it, others don't.

    but all people in their subconscious believe it, why else would they move their hands trying to move a ball that is far out of reach and about to hit a window.

    it is a phenomenon that is mostly seen when a person is in an extreme situation, like a mother about to see her baby die, might suddenly get supernatural powers, and these phenomenon are well documented.

    Telekinesis is knows to increase blood pressure, on the candidates that have done it under experimental conditions, and therefore is considered to be dangerous to people with bad health.

    Telekinesis can only be achieved by strong desire, which most people lack.

    now about the people that say it's impossible

    for example, If i cant lift a 500Kg it doesn't mean that nobody can, but for some strange reason most people think so.

    also some people don't see color, it doesn't mean everyone is color blind.

    and remember if you want to witness telekinesis

    you will have to look for it, as most incredible things are hidden, and most people that posses this ability are either doubting they have it, or are afraid to tell everyone, because they will be laughed at.

    and even if you look for it, it doesn't mean you will see it, very often people have the object of interest in front of their noses, or on their heads, but still don't see them.

    one example i know is, that once i wanted to see a falling star

    and instead of saying "I haven't seen it, so it doesent exist"

    I bought a telescope, now i have seen hundreds of them

    of coarse you can keep on saying whatever you want, as you have your full right, and live by the rules that others tell you

    and the laws that seem to be so flawless,

    but it doesent mean they are flawless.

    you must remember to have your own brain working as well

    instead of screaming that the earth is flat and everyone who says its round is stupid.

    I personally have never tried psi balls, someday i might...

    but i have seen and tried telekinesis, and now i believe it

    P.S If you want to earn money, most smart people will tell you to go and start a business, but a contest is not the way to earn money, there is no such thing as easy money, and truly a contest with that much of a scandal and bad reputation

    would create more problems than solutions.

    would you do it if you could do it?

    I doubt it

    but what am i saying? everything is possible!

    human kind might simply not be ready for Telekinesis

    but we will not rush them.

    The real world is a wonderful thing (as stated by previous posters)

    enjoy it, and all its wonders, there is no reason why you should not

    regards Yuri

  11. I think that telekinesis is a bunch of B.S.! Its an illusion! YOu'd waste woney. I concidered it, and if you read the finr print they say that your results may vary and telekinesis is not for everyone. So I decided not to do it. If they can't guarentee results, i want no part of it, but let me know how it works for you. :-)>~~

  12. Sure, all things are possible if you believe it hard enough. As for telekinesis, I don't think it's possible for everyone. There isn't anything to special about Psi balls either, it's just built up energy that can be manipulated.

  13. Despite much testing no one has ever proved that telekinesis exists. There was a lab at Princeton that tried for years to prove it and they only had tiny unreproducible effects that no one else believed. The lab has recently been closed down.

    Anyone who says they can prove telekinesis is a con-man, like Uri Geller.

  14. It is possible only if you believe you can do it. Trust me several people might not believe you and might think it is impossible or that you have gone insane but once you are able to do it you will believe yourself. And in most cases it will improve your life in several spheres. Though Psiballs and telekinesis are completely different things. Someother skills are

    Energy manipulation: The skill to control energy and make it act according to own will.(psi ball construction is a subset and a very preliminary skill)

    Telepathy: Skill to know other peoples thoughts (Empathy is a subset -Knowing other peoples feelings)

    Psycokinesis : to affect physical matter with mind.

    (Includes several forms like :

    Micro PK: to affect probability

    Macro PK:to affect matter

    Pyro kinesis: to affect fire

    Electro kinesis : to affect electric equipments.

    Metal bending and several other forms)

    Healing : To improve the disease resistance as well as to improve health and to heal in cases of disease or other cases.

    Sensing: To sense energy and retrive information on this basis

    And several other skills are also present.

    So if you want to learn to make psiballs it is pretty simple and most people are able to do it within one week.So it is not too difficult.And trust me belief is a big thing in life it can help you to accomplish the biggest of goals. So then if you are ready to start i can give you some sites but before that try not to tell too many people before you can accomplish something solid. So then one site is .Check out more sites in the links section. Read the articles and practice. You will be doing great in no time. If you like you can contact me. I will be more than willing to help you .

  15. I can move stuff with my mind.

    I have my brain send a signal to my arm to reach out to something and move it.

    I can move stuff with my mind without touching it, too.

    I have my brain send a signal to my arm to reach into my wallet and take out some money and pay someone to move the thing.

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