
About being hypmatised?

by  |  earlier

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Is it ok to be stoned while your hypnotized or would you freak out, now i just want everyone to know this is just a question not a plan,i know how you guys like to type stupid answers like my stupid questions so just answer and keep the rudeness to yourself




  1. hyp what?  

  2. you will be freaked out...because at first when your high as a efin kite....and you get treated knowing that your high you might think your gonna die and start seeing shizle....i know your not gonna do it but if you do....go to your happy place that way when you are hypnotized youll be in you own personal heaven...but controlled by someone... =]

    haha sorry for confusing

  3. Not to be rude but you might want to learn hot to spell "hypnotize" correctly... lay off the pot.

  4. Stoned IS hypnotized...


    "What who's there, is somebody in my apartment?"

    "Wow you really are stoned"

    Smiley Face

  5. I'm not sure that hypnotism would work if you were stoned, but then again, it may make it more effective.  Just remember that hypnotism is fairly safe, whereas drugs are not.  

  6. Well it depends what your purpose of getting hypnotised is. If you are searching for answers, then to keep your subconscious mind clear would be your best bet. I doubt you will freak out, more than likely you will not be able to get to the subconscious level you need to.

    Keep the reefer for after the session, that's probably when you will need it. : D


  7. No.  You want your subconscious to be unaltered.  I personally wouldn't want to be hypnotized under the influence but then again I don't smoke weed so there you are.

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