
About booking hotel?

by Guest32301  |  earlier

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my girlfriend is coming to canada toronto to visit me

i am planning to book a hotel room in downtown toronto

i am an adult already (20 years old) but my girlfriend is still 15, are we still allowed to book a room for 1 night?

if yes, what kind of photo ID we need?

will passport be ok? does she need to bring hers too?





  1. You do realize your relationship is illegal?

    If the hotel you book at considers people 16 and under as children, you may have to say that the room is for one adult and one child; child prices are usually less. If you don't care about price, you can say it's for two adults, or ask for a king/queen/double for one. Don't have your girlfriend present if you do this in person, or else they'll obviously see it's not for one person. That route may be cheaper. Really, rules and pricing stuff differ from hotel to hotel. The only person who shows ID is the one booking the room.

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