
About brushing dogs teeth..?

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I have a 10 month old male pomeranian and I got him at 7 months. When I started brushing his teeth daily when he was 8 months ( 1 month of properly settle in etc.) I noticed one of his back teeth is brown with tartar build up! I still brush his teeth everyday and give him Pedigree DentaDaily sticks (they are much more popular here in England than America)

I told my family and they said its very strange because hes only 10 months, and we were wondering maybe the breeder sometimes fed him sweets or something (also she didnt solicalize him at all so he is also v. insecure)

But should I be concerned about this tooth? Should I take it to the vet, or increase his brushing to twice a day?

Thank you :)




  1. u should take your dog to see the vet because tartar can build up even if your brushing so go and see if they can tell you how to prevent it happening again.

  2. Sometimes the tarter builds up no matter what.  It's time for him to see his vet to have the teeth checked.  That way you can be sure that his teeth are healthy and there are no problems.  You are doing great at brushing his teeth and giving the DentaDaily sticks.  

  3. You need to take him to the vet and have this checked out. I am not sure what a vet would do in this case as I have never heard of a case like this before. I'd say you need to get him to a vet though ASAP just incase and find out what is going on. I don't think it would help to brush more daily though. I think it would be like brushing our teeth twice a day when we have a cavity...the cavity is already there, brushing your teeth (or the dogs teeth either) isn't going to make it go away.

  4. I've never used dental treats for dogs, but I do know that raw carrots work very well for the same purpose, if your dog will eat them.  Great job with the brushing, it's awesome to see a responsible dog owner.  :)

  5. Make sure you are getting way in the back when you brush. I started using a regular toothbrush like my breeder did and now I am getting the teeth way better. I also make sure I brush the gums real well like she said too and started using the petlife that she uses. My yorkie's teeth look great too. There is more information here that might help you.

  6. Like the above answers said I'd be giving raw chicken pieces too if I were you.

    Choose wings, necks and even give a leg for a meal.

    Also look for small ox tail peices and lamb necks cut in half, some are quite small and O.K for your dog.

    Not only will raw bones clean the teeth, they floss the teeth and massage/stimulate the gums.

    I give my dog a raw bone with each meal or for each meal, as each meal the teeth need cleaning.

    If you dont normally feed raw bones give about 4 days a week rather than everyday until your pup is used to them.

    Good Luck.

  7. Toy breeds are notorious for periodontal disease. I have an Italian Greyhound and at 9 months I have noticed some tartar build up on the back teeth even though I brush them daily. I bought Petzlife tartar gel and it really has worked wonders but I don't know if they ship to the UK. Also, toy breeds need to have professional dentals more than any other breed. This is when you take them to the vet (or dental specialist) and they will put the dog under anesthesia and will scrape all the tartar off and pull teeth if necessary.  

    Brushing more than once a day won't really help if the build up is bad. If he will let you, try and gently scrape it off with your fingernail or a scaler. My puppy will only tolerate it for a short period of time but it does help as well.

    Here's the gel I use.

    I just looked at the site and they do ship world wide if you are interested.

    I agree with Abbyful, my pup gets a raw chicken neck once a week as well.

    I personally use the gel as I know where it is going rather than the spray in the mouth but its all personal preference. If you want, you could try both. They have pictures on the site showing before and after pictures. I've had it for about a month and I've already noticed a great deal of change. I use it daily along with the teeth brushing and people always comment on his pearly whites.

  8. Raw meaty bones a couple times a week may help, they scrape the teeth as the dog chews. I give my dog either a chicken neck or a chicken wing twice a week to help with the teeth. (Raw chicken bones are fine, they are soft and digestible. It's the cooked chicken bones that are dangerous.)


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