
About cosmopolitan consumer?

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Could some people help me to this survey?

It is about cosmopolitan consumers' brand choice of coffee shop.

Please~~~~I am really hurried.

Thank you so much!




  1. just done it.........your welcome...

  2. I completed your survey, but I'm just a d**n Yankee. I have no experience with the Cosmopolitan Coffee brand, so I may have thrown your results off.

    I do, however, have strong feelings about being so nationalistic in my choice of purchases. While I do believe that it is important to support one's local economy, I also believe that it is contingent upon local companies to offer products and services of a quality that is equal to foreign products and at a price that is somewhat comparable. In the absence of such quality and value, I feel justified in supporting non-domestic brands.

    Have a good day.

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