
About cramps in legs and toes?

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what are the causes of cramps in legs, I am a 58 old and I have been having cramps in legs and toes around early mornings. I walk a lot in my work, and I don't sit until my lunch time. Then I go home and try to get some rest, I'm feeling worry about this kind of cramps, any help?




  1. there is something you can buy at walmart for this condition.ask the pharmacist to help you.good luck

  2. maybe you just got your peroid

  3. if you dont eat enough food over the course of a day, the lack of some essential nutrients can make your body more susceptible to cramps.  lack of potassium and vitamin C is generally agreed upon to be a cause of muscle cramping.  i would recommend drinking more orange juice (for vitamin C) and eating more bananas (for potassium).  stretching your legs will also help to allow more blood flow to the cramping muscles which will help wash away the lactic acid that has built up and caused the cramps.  

    do a search for stretching techniques for the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles and perform these stretches after you get off work each day.

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