
About dogs and skin conditions.?

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i got a 6 year old staffy ***** 2 days ago. she is in great health but has many lumps and bumps one of wich is the main concern is like a skin tag, but it its really hanging down, a bit like a teat but longer and it looks very sore. could any1 help me?




  1. My dog went through the same thing. Your dog has sensitive skin, and if it is short-haired, it won't be that hard to try and figure where the source of your dog's outbreak is coming from. It turned out that my American Bulldog started showing the same symptoms as yours, I brought him to the Vet at least three times before he could conclude something in my grass and/or house was causing the reaction. Turns out, some of the chemicals in my garden and the freshener I use on my carpet before I vacuum was causing the irritation to my dogs skin. So all I had to do is give my dog special Benadryl pills and stop using the products causing irritation. Took two days for the lumps to go noticeably away and about 5 days for it to disappear. You should get that checked out ASAP because you never know if your dog could be showing an allergic reaction to something.

  2. take ur dog to the vet. they should TAKE A LOOK AT IT

  3. Is it a black colour or pale colour I just had a large tag thing removed from My old dog You may just have to take to vet so they can check it out.My old girls was very dark and soft not hard tag.

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