
About eye contacts...?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering, can you take a shower with contacts on, or swim with them on? I was bored and this was the only question I could think of...




  1. I don't see why you can't do both. I do them all the time.

    However, when you shower try not to rub your eyes too hard or too much because your eyes are more sensitive under the heat.

    When swimming, there is an even higher chance of your contacts popping out so be cautious.

  2. You risk getting some pretty serious infections doing it.  Tap water has lots of pathogens bad for our eyes.  And pool water is even worse and has chemicals, too.  Your contacts will soak it all up and spread it to your eyes.  Not a fun situation to be in.

  3. When I shower with my contacts I have to be very careful not to get water in my eyes because i did once and my contact slid under my eye, it was creepy. So I don't think you could swim with them.... I wouldnt imagine you could.

  4. You can definitely shower with contacts on. Just be careful and try not to rub your eyes too much and avoid eye contact with soaps and shampoos. People might discourage you from swimming with contacts in but I've never had a problem.
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