
About first amendment?

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Hi I am a formal high school student.

I have purchased many inappropriate cloths and i was wondering if the state government or other people have right to force me to take off my t-shirt that has inappropriate symbols, such as, nudity, gang, and violent picture, just because they are offended by these symbols.

I was wondering what are limits to the first amendment in clothing.

Could you please help me define the limit of first amendment in clothing?




  1. I think this is bull ****! But the govt can tell you that you can't wear certain things in School.

    In some areas you can't wear Red and Blue for instance to school. Because you may get shot by the Crips and Bloods.

    Schools can even make you wear a full uniform some times! I think that is really bull ****!

    I am so F**king glad I am out of God D**mn F**king school! I hated it so much!

    I do support the 1st amendment.

  2. Schools can make and enforce dress codes. they could make you wear uniforms if they chose.

  3. School dress codes are under protection of the 1st amendment.

  4. when you are at school, your rights can be limited to the extent that your actions interfere with the educational process.

    If you are out in public anywhere, nude pictures on your clothing might violate public decency laws.

  5. You have the right to wear what you want when you want! There are some restrictions (which I think are total bull ****) like you can't wear them in school but other then that you can wear them where ever the **** you want. Like me for example, I wore a shirt with a Swastika (I'm totally against that, but I wore it to make a point one time) around town. I got a lot of looks and got the cops called on me, but the cops coulsaid they can't do anything about it.

  6. The first amendment refers only to prohibition of speech BY THE GOVERNMENT and there are exceptions regarding some things such as causing a riot or depictions of obcene images. But the definition of obcenity has always been a stickler and is fought over all the time.

    IMHO, it's pretty obnoxious to where something obcene in public where kids can see it. I'm not saying you should be arrested for doing so. But if your only reason for doing so is to prove you are an immature jerk, then you've got problems.

  7. Look, there are a lot of gray areas but you have to realize that the government has the right to keep you from doing something that hurts others. In your case, it offends certain people. You may not feel that way but it does. The government should not keep you from doing thengs that don't affect others. In the first ammendment, you have a right to do all of those things (freedom of speech, etc.) as long as what you are doing only affects you.

  8. It is not about being offended but what it stands for..You are showing them that you and your friends are headed to be criminals and/or worse democrats.  And I for on thank them.

    The first amnendment was to protect people from being stopped expressing political speech not if you shave your head or go naked.

  9. Anything that is obscene could be prohibited. The courts would have to decide what is obscene, and the standards are complex.

    Other than that, generally government as such (that is, police authority enforcing laws passed by a legislature) is not involved, because the First Amendment grants you a right of free expression.

    However, that right does not permit you to force your freely expressed views on others. Anyone with authority to set rules of behavior in a place may include restrictions on what they consider offensive attire, provided those rules are not applied unfairly.

    In particular, schools and courthouses may well refuse to permit offensive attire, and have considerable freedom to set their own standards. Your right of free expression does not permit you to violate their standards, on their turf. The same can be true of a shopping mall; your use of it can be subjected to conditions set by the owners.

    There are other legal restrictions. In my state, campaign materials may not be displayed in a polling place during an election. (I saw someone required to turn a campaign T-shirt inside out.)
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