
About losing weight...?

by Guest62406  |  earlier

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My birthday is coming up in approximately 2 weeks. There's this girl I want to impress by losing weight and showing her the results in 2 weeks. That's why I've decided to walk around 10 kilometers a day and eating as little food as I can possibly tolerate. I've started doing the walking and eating part the other day but on the second day I ate 2 meals until I was full. My first question would be, would eating little and walking 10 kilometers a day be enough to get noticeable results by the end of 2 weeks? The second question would be, did those 2 meals when I ate until I was full destroy my effort from the very beginning? Any other suggestions? Please help me soon, my 2 weeks are slowly running out!




  1. Crash dieting is the absolute worst thing you can do. You end up slowing down your metabolism because your body thinks you are going into a famine, so when you start eating relatively normally again you will put weight back on again twice as quick. What you need to do is eat smaller meals more frequently, like 5 meals a day. You can have like miniwheats with skim milk and an apple for breakfast, a protein bar for mid morning snack, a salad for lunch, some veggies or fruit for a later snack, and grilled chicken or fish for dinner.

    The issue here is making a lifestyle change. You think this girl is suddenly gonna be wowed by you losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks (which is all that is really practical) and then you put back on 15? I think she will be more impressed if you start taking better care of yourself. The fact that you walk now is wonderful! Now take it a step some weight lifting, start running. EXERCISE RAISES YOU METABOLISM and you will start to lose weight exponentially. Sub water for sodas, avoid grease - being an adult about it will impress her. Tell her about it, brag about yourself. If you make significant changes in your life it's justified.

  2. Intake to working out sounds about right, but losing the pounds over night is hard. You will see it soon.

  3. If you try to lose a large amount of weight in a small amount of time you are likely to put the weight back on. If you take the longer route, you should be able to keep the weight off.

    You need to burn 3500 calories a week to burn 1 pound - so 500 calories a day, and at the rate your going I'd say your definetly burning more then that. this link will tell you how many calories you are burning without any exercise per day, hope that gives you an idea. Just make sure your burning more then you take in, and u'll definetly see results

  4. You may have a result in two weeks doing so, but you´ll shock you organism to a large extent. It will "revenge" you later (it already reacted by "asking" you two meals at the time).

    Can´t you impress that girl doing something else?

    The thing is, there are no quick and good solutions for overweight.  

  5. You wont loose a good amount of weight in 2 weeks I hate to break it to you. You see results in a month and more in the months to come. Weight and health is a life long commitment and I have to say doing it to impress a girl is pretty stupid it should be for yourself first and if she doesnt like you as you are now, what makes you think she will like you after. She should like you for your personality not just your looks.

    You should not try and eat as little food as possible, because that is not good for your body. You should be eating anywhere between 1200 to 2000 calories a day depending on your work out.

    Work out a good bit by doing cardio, walking, running, swimming, kick boxing, dancing, biking... that will shed the fat then start to build muscle after to get more toned.

    Eat right like a huge breakfast since its the most important meal of the day helps start your metabolism. Also eat about every 3 to 4 hours. Having 3 decent size meals and snacks of fruits or nuts during the day. Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day. The water you drink while working out will not count towards that. Water helps to make sure your muscle stay healthy

    Taking a multivitamin is useful as well.

    You wont see your results in 2 weeks unless you decide to stop eating altogether and really s***w yourself over but that seems to be the way you want to go. The unhealthy route. Good luck changing yourself for a girl.

  6. it would. but you might become to flabby as a result because your skin might not have enough time to adjust itself to the new smaller you. also, i would not eat too little if you want long-term weight loss because it might slow down your metabolism and that will make you even fatter that before. i really think that you should still exercise and eat a diet full of wholesome foods (foods that are created by nature, not by man) like chicken, eggs, milk, fruits, beans, veggies.. buy your groceries on the outer parts of the grocery store and you will get all you need. also, do not blame yourself too hard if you do not reach your goals by your bday. Good luck to you.

  7. Forget about the two weeks.  That kind of deadline has too much pressure for you, and you will be disappointed.

    If you eat that little, you won't have the energy for your exercise.

    Try to eat small meals spread out through the day, that are high in protein but low in sugar and fat.  Drink plenty of water and cut out sugary drinks.  If 10k is too much in the beginning, start smaller and work your way up.

    Over a period of time, she will notice.  And she will be impressed at the steps you are taking towards being active and healthy.  Trying to crash off the weight fast by eating too little and overexercising is not going to do anyone any good, and you will get discouraged and give up.

    When you do eat, eat SLOWLY, and concentrate on the food.  Stop when you are full enough to be satisfied, but not stuffed.  Once I finally learned how to do that, my eating habits changed dramatically and I feel a LOT better these days.

  8. I think you are getting paranoid.! First of all, try to impress this girl with your character!!! You cannot walk 10 km a day and eat just a few mouthfuls a day... Its unhealthy and you won't be able to keep it up for a long period of time. I would advice you to follow a proper diet at a doctor and exercise 30-1hour a day. Try to show off the good things on you. A one month diet will make you slimmer withoutreally having to starve yourself to death! Hope this helps you. And good luck!!!

  9. You may lose a small amount of weight with your plan, but as soon as you revert back to your old eating habits (which you will, since you will be so hungry) you will gain it all back.  And, honestly, I don't think the weight you will lose in two weeks will give much of a difference in appearance.  Sorry.

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