
About mealworms?

by Guest10759  |  earlier

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my dragon is 9 months old and 14 to 15 inches long, male I got some huge mealworms today at the pet store, they are about 11/2 inches long. Now someone told me you have to chop off their heads because they can cause damage to the lining of the stomach of the this true???? My pet store did not say anything to me about this and i know them well. Could someone clarify this for me.




  1. It is a myth that mealworms can eat their way out of a reptile. The stomach acid and lack of oxygen in a lizard's stomach kills the mealworm quickly. When I had beardies, they chomped on it and killed it before they swallowed it. You have nothing to worry about.

  2. does TRUST mean nothing to you.....?????

  3. People say they because they think the worms will eat away at the lizards insides,,,it`s not true...
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