
About my driving test?

by  |  earlier

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can i have my husband in the car with me on my test i know you can definitely have your instructor if you want and one person who couldn't speak english had an interpreter in so does anyone know if my husband will be allowed?




  1. i dont think so you dont need him there.

    i think it would be too distracting

  2. Yes you can have him in the car as those above have said. You must love your husband very much!

  3. No he is not allowed while the testing is done...

  4. Yes Matthew and Trevor are both correct. If you are serious, then I suggest (assuming you are having lessons with an instructor) you have a word with your instructor to see if they will let you have a couple of lessons with your husband in the back, this might help you get used to having him there and the extra weight in the car (not saying your fella is fat - but anyone extra makes car perform different - esp if it is a small car) you may find it different when trying to slow down also!

    tip - in order to combat the extra weight in the car - just before you move off uphill, ask your husband to lift himself off the seat to make the car lighter!

    Only kiddin!

  5. Yes he can.

    You must tell the Examiner before you leave the test centre and he/she will brief your husband.

    Your husband will not be allowed to communicate with you in any way at all.

    If you havn't driven with 3 people in the car before, then you will have to take into account the extra weight in the back, especially if your husband is heavy! You may need to be a bit more careful with the clutch when pulling away - especially uphill.

    Good Luck

  6. Yes, you can take one person with you who must be over 16 years old and they must not interfere in ANY way.

  7. I failed my test 10 times and on the 11th attempt - I took my instructor with me in the car and I passed!!! I had reservations about taking him with me but i was with a new instructor so I wanted him to see how nervous I got on my tests but I wasn't nervous, I had the head examiner, I was in a new city (cos i'd moved house 3 months before), and I passed!!........ a bloody miracle lol!!!  Good luck x

  8. You are allowed to take somebody with you, but, in my experience, the instructor is immediately put off, thinking that you have someone behind you, possibly prompting and interferring. It's best if you go on your own. Good luck...
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