
About ovulation kits?

by  |  earlier

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i brought some of ebay and this is my first month proper trying with them ive been using them since i come of my period its day 10 i no its around day 14 u get a positive, i was just wondering is it just 1day you get a positive or a few days i just don't understand what exactly i should expect. Can someone just explain properly how you use them.




  1. It totally depends on how long your cycle is.  You ovulate 14 days before your period, so if your cycles are 28 days then you'll ovulate day 11/12/13/14.  

    I'm having fertility treatment at the moment, but before i knew what was wrong with me i use to use ovulation kits.  I found First Response quite good because they showed clearly on how to use them, and what day to start testing.

    Because now im having to take drugs to encourage ovulation i have to start testing on day 10 to 11 and thats with a roughly 28 day cycle.

    Oh and before i forget, some ovulation kits are different to others, First Response explain NOT to use them with your first morning urine and say that you should test after midday the same time every day to get an accurate result.  However Clear Blue you have to test first morning urine.

    Hope this helps, but i maybe would suggest in getting some from boots or something.  At least the instructions will provide you with good information.

    Good luck

  2. please dont use ovulation and pregnancy tests from ebay. they are not reliable at all. i used an early pregnancy detection test from ebay and it didnt tell me i was pregnant 3 days after i missed my period, but the boots test did.

    Buy a proper ovulation kit from boots. the clear blue one is very good as its digital and tells u which day u are ovulating.

    it depends on the length of your cycle, but do bear in mind that yu can ovulate on different days of the month. i sometimes ovulate on day 11 sometimes day 13 sometimes day 10. So if your cycle is around 26 to 28 days, start testing around day 9.

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