
About quitting a casual job?

by  |  earlier

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I started working after and 8 yr break raising my kids and my boss has always been negative and nasty even in front of customers. I work in a fashion shop. I didn't like it much to start with as I didn't know what I was doing but now after a couple of months I am getting the hang of things. But my boss is calling me slow and says I am not absorbing things quick enough and they have made me work 2 Sundays by myself and I had computer problems when I tried to do end of day. Well I worked with her yesterday and she just wouldn't stop being nasty all day long. I have had enough of being treated this way and wanted to know how much if any notice to I give if I want to quit. I am thinking I will look elsewhere for a job. I usually wouldn't cave in but she is making it so I feel sick at the thought of going to work. I know I should consider myself lucky to have found employment but this is bordering on harassment Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :)




  1. Since you've worked there a few months and it was your first job after an 8 year break, you'll probably end up using her as a reference at least for a little bit, so you'll want to give her the usual two weeks notice. And again, be respectful in your resignation. Write a formal letter of resignation, and when you speak to her in person say, "I feel like I've made a lot of improvement over the past few months, but you obviously do not feel the same way. I appreciate the opportunity to work here, but I am going to be moving on to something better fit for me. I'm giving you my two weeks notice effective today, and my last day will be [two weeks from today]."

  2. Of course you should quit, give her two weeks notice.

    Also, about finding another job, my advice is: do something you love doing, not just whatever is available. If you had twenty million dollars, what would you spend your time doing? Your hobby? Well find a way to make money doing that, you'll be happy AND getting paid.

    I wrote this last year, maybe it could be of some help to you:

    Take care,


  3. I am an employer.  I have found that the 30 something and up ages are much harder to train on the computer and they make a lot more mistakes.  I have also found that they are much slower in our fast paced environment.

    I recently had to let someone go because they were just not absorbing it quick enough.  We give someone X amount of hours to be in training.  This x amount of hours also has a $ amount tied to it.  

    We as an employer have a budget to meet and in this economic crunch that we are in, we need an easily trainable, learnable, fast paced employee.  

    If you are none of these, it could be that she wants you to quit and does not have the umph to fire you.  It is still no reason for her to be nasty because you do not deserve to be treated like this.  You should put in your notice.  

  4. I have had a few jobs in my time and regardless of age if I was unsure I asked. I have never been sacked for being slow and would probably try to improve myself as three warning must be given before and employer can terminate you. Plus in Australia you only have to give as much notice as you want. If you are feeling bad give them a week or just the standard one to two days as you stated you are only casual and haven't been there for long. I feel sorry for you as no employer has the right to make you feel like this. I am sure you are doing your best and hope you try to still it out and give it a good go and even confront your employer. Tell her that her behaviour is unacceptable and unless she is going to give you a warning then she should let you get on with your job. Plus if there are things thy aren't letting you know you can hardly be responsible. Good luck.  :)

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