
About the big S question....?

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Why do people think the only place for our children to learn socialization is in the school system? Do they keep their kids locked up until the age of 5 and then put them in school? Do they not realize that we don't chain our children to a table or lock them in a closet; and every time you walk out your door you have an opportunity for socialization?




  1. Ignorance! Pure ignorance! My kids who are homeschooled get out all the time have lots of friends, interact with LOTS of people, can talk to adults, aren't afraid to stand up for themselves etc.! I sure hope people will understand this and not just asume they know!

  2. Nah, they're  not locked up, they are sent to an unlicensed day care. :)

  3. Hahahahaha!

    I'm sorry, I can't help but laugh.

  4. People are ignorant. Obviously the people who only let their kids go to school to socialize are the wrong ones.  

  5. When we send our children to a public/private school they get more out of their socialization. As a parent you filter who your child talks to , sees and spends time with , right?  yes (if you're any kind of good)  At a public/private school , they see everything.  Kids from rich families , black families , interracial families , Hispanics , Christians , non Christians , lower class families, single parent families , etc.  They are exposed to it all.  They make friends with other children who are different from them.  It teaches diversity.  Homeschooling cannot compare with public/private schools' socialization.  At a public/private school , there are REAL world situations , a kid is frustrated with the teacher , kids have issues with each other, a child's family is having trouble,  etc.  Its all very real , and because the children are not home schooled , they begin to form greater Independence and understanding.

    And no , we do not keep our children at home until they are five.   There are preschools , mommy and me classes , day camps , Church day cares  and other public events that we take our children too.  We work with them at home on things like the alphabet and writing their names , before they get to school. And every chance there is , a good mother uses it to subtley teach.

    I know that lots of homeschool moms will thumbs down me , but I really do not care.  As a person who graduated with very high honours and even some college credit from a public school system , I've seen some negative aspects of homeschooling.    By my Junior year in High school , I had 6 college credits!!   Most of the students in my school had earned credits , or had the oppurtunity to earn them.  Some new kids came to school , they had been homeschooled. The boy was a senior.  The two daughters were sophmores and juniors.   They had not earned nor learned about college credits through highschool. The idea of college was in their minds , but they lacked any  qualities a college might want and they were socially odd.  They said they had friends , but they were all of the same back ground as they were.  The boy eventually dropped out just before graduation , he wouldnt have made the requirements anyway.   It was sad , because he was a good kid, had a solid mind and a good heart , but he had never been fully exposed to all the walks of life that public school brings , so with out meaning to , he would ask questions , that sounded racist or cold. Its sad.  

    So yes , you say that you socialize , but do you really?  Taking a child to "hang out" with other homeschoolers is not really the same as the thousands of diverse lives that public schools bring together.

    But go ahead and give me thumbs down.  YOUR ingorance is why we think negativley of home schooling.  

  6. Because that's what their spoon-fed from age 5 to 18.  And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  How many public schooled kids have time for friends outside of school?  I have 2nd grade students who get 2 hours of homework at least three nights a week!  In the district where I live the football team is in the top ten in the nation and the marching band is one of the top three in the nation.  Kids who are in football or band practice during school, after school, at night, and sometimes before school.  They don't have time for any other activities in or outside of school.  Their friends are either on the team or they don't have friends.  These kids don't even have time for a job.  Now, yes, that is a little extreme, but that's how it is for about three hundred kids at the local high school.

    Other kids are also in school 8 hours a day, plus an average of 2-3 hours of homework, plus a school related club, and if they have a job, there goes their free time.  

    The way the public school system is set up, most kids don't have time for friends outside of school.

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