
About the earthquake

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um do any body know if there is gunnah b another one... cause im reallly scared of them please tell me please .... please help!




  1. There's always going to be an earthquake in California.

    It sits on a fault,

    the San Andreas that is.

    Look at the bright side though,

    California is sinking,

    and you may drift away and be your own island!


  2. there's always gonna be another one. soon, probably not. at least after the aftershocks are over

  3. The snow man more or less has it perfectly, but he did get one thing wrong. He said to go outside during an earthquake......that's when stuff heavier then the stuff in your hosue will fall on you. Stay inside and hope for the best. I accually enjoyed the earthquake.

  4. If you move to Kansas you should be safe from earthquakes.  But there are tornadoes there but you get a few minutes warning at least.

  5. no one knows, sorry. ask an astrologer! you can't keep on being scared for nothing, you know.

  6. always watch news for an earthquake update. i heard on radio that in next 10 years, there's a 8+ magnitude in LA. so be prepared!  

  7. I'm very afraid too and i heard on the news and they said another big one might come soon so its a 50/50 chance of another one coming..

  8. Yes.  You are still having them as I type this.  You'll note though, that you can't feel them, simply because they aren't big enough for you to feel.

    But the one you felt the other day was 'the big one' for this event - ie, it was the one that let off all the pressure that has been building lately.  The ones going on now are settling after the fact (commonly known as aftershocks).

    What's happening is that the stress between the Pacific and North American plates is building up (at the San Andreas fault).  This is like what happens when you shake a soda bottle.  But instead of releasing all that pressure at once by taking the cap completely off (which would be The Big One that the Pacific NW is gearing up for), California basically 'twists the cap' a little at a time - letting off a little bit of pressure here and there, keeping the total pressure from getting too high to explode the cap off the bottle.  You actually *want* these Mag 5 or so earthquakes to happen, so that you don't get a much larger Mag 8 or 9 in the future.

    The 5.4 earthquake was just another twist of the cap.  Don't worry about it.

    BTW - No place is safe from quakes, not even Kansas.  And California is NOT sinking.  That's impossible.;...

  9. Of course there is going to be another one.  If there wasn't the earth would not be inhabitable.  Just like it rains and there has to be floods.  It all makes the earth work and be habitable.  Living in the U.S you are not likely to die in an earthquake as we have the best building standards.  But then again if my house is going to fall down in an earthquake I want to be outside of it, not inside.  Earthquakes do not knock down trees and that what would be outside in a residential area.  If our 5.4 quake had happened in Turkey, or India hundreds would have been killed by collapsing buildings, doesn't much happen here.  If we have an 8 plus quake then you could be killed when standing outside in the clear as the ground could rise and fall in 20 foot waves.  How many times in a row can you withstand being dropped 20 feet?

  10. It is an inevitability, when I don't know, but it will happen.

    You can only hope your either don't live there when it comes, or your all ready dead.

    It sounds nasty to say that, but it is perfectly true and I am not going to lie about it.

    If cannot afford to move, I suggest you biuld some kind of safe room, or some sort of shelter to use which should include as many people as you can.

    Make sure that it is the sort of thing that would really protect you in an Earthquake.

    During an Earthquake, do not stay indoors.

    Have a plan on what to do.

    Snow Man
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