
About the jets in an airliner?

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when the plane is taking off if a bird gets sucked into the jets will it damage the jets and bring down the Airliner?




  1. no i  dont know why but it doesnt i dont think or else it would be dangerous

  2. sure has caused crashes DT3238. a number of them. i've injested a couple small birds and things kept running but a few have not. sure stinks up the compressor section after a nine hour flight though. pwew.

  3. Small birds can be ingested by engines without any problem at all in many cases.  Larger birds may cause damage and/or engine failure.  In the latter case, an emergency landing is usually required.  Crashes are rare but do occasionally happen, usually when the bird strike occurs during take-off.  Most of the time the aircraft just returns promptly to the airport, with nobody harmed.  The engine might have to be repaired or replaced before the aircraft flies again, however.

  4. Yes it is possible. But more than engine damage, bird strikes are dangerous to the aircraft both taking off and landing. Thats why airports and the FAA put out notams or notice to airmen about possible hazards like this. You will also see some sort of scaring device in use at an airport to discourage birds congregating around airfields.

  5. any foreign object swallowed up by a jet engine will cause damage to the engine, be it bird, nuts, bolts, tree branches, what ever. the compressor blades are tough to a point, but compromises must be made when designing a compressor blade. they need to be strong, but they also need to be lightweight and flexible as well. depending on where the object enters the engine, and how hard the object is, determines the kind and how much damage is done. modern jet airliners have enough power on half engine power to be able to take off even at maximum weight, as long as the crew recognizes what is happening and takes immediate action to counteract the problem.

  6. That is the ONLY time that the jet will be in trouble from birds.  Jet engines are tested for bird strikes - and they can easily survive it.

    But when a bird is swallowed up, the engine hiccups (or possibly even stall) and there's no margin of safety during take off.

    Good Luck...

  7. Nope.  Don't believe me?  Watch...

  8. They are designed to take birds up to a point. Depends ont he plane too. A 777 will take a bird better than a Citation and depends on the size of the bird.

    It may damage the jet and would take alot to cause a catostrophic failure.

    You have to think they had thought about that when they were designing these things. Jet aircraft are desined to be flown on one engine. If you had a catostrophic engine failure even on takeoff the aircraft can still fly, but they dont perform as well. You treat each takeoff as if you were going to lose one of your engines.

  9. No,it will not damage the jet because the engines are quite tough but in the past there might be a few accidents.

  10. Aircraft engines are tested for bird strikes, and must be able to survive them. The airplane is, too.  Any jet can take off and climb with one engine, also.  This has never caused a crash.

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