
About urine culture??

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here's the result of my nephew's urine culture: 15,000 colonies of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa/ml of urine..what kind of bacteria is this?? because the doctor said it's a serious bacteria..but the symptoms of having a Pseudomonas Aeruginosa bacteria didn't appear to him..he doesn't experience pain when urinating and doesn't have fever,too.. the doctor also said that if the result is positive, it would be better if he would be circumcised at an early that serious??or is there a possibility that he would have UTI?

he is 2 years old.




  1. Can't they just prescribe antibiotics that work against that bacteria?

    If he's having no symptoms I would think antibiotics should fix the bacteria problem. I don't see how circumcision would be necessary for something like this.


  2. you are considering taking away his sexual pleasure for something that small and something that's not likely to be effected by it?

    he only has one life to live, let him enjoy a complete p***s, find a doctor that doesn't jump at circumcision for any problem

  3. I looked up Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and found this...

    "P. aeruginosa is frequently isolated from non-sterile sites (mouth swabs, sputum, and so forth) and under these circumstances, it often represents colonisation and not infection. The isolation of P. aeruginosa from non-sterile specimens should therefore be interpreted cautiously and the advice of a microbiologist or infectious diseases physician should be sought prior to starting treatment. Often no treatment is needed"

    In otherwords, because pseuodomonas is common in the enviroment, and your nephews urine culture was most likely NOT sterile, in all likelyhood, no treatment is needed at all.  Your doctor is trying to push into an unnescary circumcision. There is NO reason to circumcise your nephew. Even if he actually did have a UTI, circumcision would not help. Since he is not experiencing any symptoms, he likely has no infection at all. Fire your doctor, and find a f******n friendly doc for a second opinion. DOC (doctors opposing circumcision) or NOCIRC should be able to provide you with a referral. -Neb

  4. I would urge you to get a second opinion from a different doctor. Considering your nephew has no pain when urinating I don't think there's any reason for him to get circumcised.

  5. If he didn't have symptoms, then why did they suspect a urinary tract infection?

    The germ can incubate under the f******n.  It is a good idea to have him circumcised.  Especially, If he is already getting Uti's.  Frequent Uti's can damage the kidneys.  

    Psuedomonas is kind of hard to kill.  They should have done a sensitivity w/ the culture to see which antibiotic would kill it.  That type of bacteria is found in soil, on plants, on human skin, in pond water, and on animals

  6. Why don't you ask THE DOCTOR?
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