
Abt divorce and alimony?

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Am from bangalore,am married since 1.5yrs,my marriage is not consummated,my husband is an alcohalic, smoker n horse gambler.we share no love n harmony.i want to apply for divorce.How much of money can i get as alimony?Even though he is a rich person i dont want to produce the asset details to the court n they should not end up looking at me as if i am separated for money.Plss help me.




  1. Generally none.  Most courts require that the marriage have lasted at least 10 years - to prevent people marrying just to take someone's money.

    It's best if you simply divorce - or have your marriage annuled - and move on.

  2. if you are able to work, then you will not be given alimony - The courts could care less who has more money as everything is donbe with financial disclosures and a formula that decised who gets what as far as money

    If you have no children, you will not get a dime and you shouldn't. you will get half of everythign you both accumulated during the marriage plus your personal possessions

  3. The amount of maintenance on monthly basis or on lump sump basis also known as Alimony is decided on various factors such as the actual income of both the parties, actual source of income of both the parties, any property both movable as well immovable which belong to both the parties that can be sufficient for his or her maintenance or to provide maintenance to the other party as Alimony. In your case your husband has large source of income & various property/asset & can afford maintenance for you either in lump sum form or on monthly basis as Alimony & if you are unemployed & have no source of income or property for your maintenance. For the purpose of ascertaining the amount that should be ordered in your favor for maintenance/alimony you will have to state about all his assets, properties & sources of income in your application for maintenance/alimony. He will have to admit these or refute them & based on this you have to seek the production of all records to show these in the court. The court will not be able to decide this issue unless all the records pertaining to his source of income, assets, properties etc are brought before it to fix the amount of maintenance that should be granted to you either on monthly basis or as fixed lump sum amount at the time of divorce. The court will not look at you from the point of view that you seek dissolution of the marriage for the money as for the purpose of dissolving the marriage by decree of divorce what will be required sufficient evidence to prove the ground(s) for divorce not these irrelevant issue as you presume.

  4. The man isn't good enough for you but his money is? Maybe you're not separating for the money but it's obvious you married for the money if you are so consumed with the idea of alimony. What did you do before you got married? Get a job.

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