
Acceptable age gap?

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I'm 18, he's 27. Is that ok? I think it is but others i've spoken to (inc my family) disagree




  1. Grow up, banana; They weren't dating when he was 9.

    It is acceptable.

    & that is not the significant thing; you need to look at where you are in life, where he is lin life, and see if you are good being together in life. Do your lives fit together? Do you love each other?

    Ok, well that's it.

  2. Well I'm 5 years older than my boyfriend. More often than not, it seems to be more acceptable for an older man to date a younger woman than the other way around. But my philosophy is that if you are matched in interests and maturity level, then there shouldn't be a problem.

  3. Age is only a number.

    but be careful , older guys seem tio be more clever and they know how to munipulate youh , youh might think youh are in love but youh really arent.

    Just see what happens.

  4. At 18, you're barely an adult, and he's been adult for a while.  You may have different perspectives about things, and more importantly different expectations.  He may be ready to find a wife and start a family, and you're still in a place where you should be having fun.  

    In 10 years, this age difference won't make a speck of difference.  My best friend is 43, and I'm 57.  I wouldn't have been hanging out with her when I was 27 and she was 13, but now we're both grandmothers and plenty to talk about.

  5. I have three questions to answer yours.

    1.  Are you happy with the situation?

    2.  Is he happy with the situation?

    3.  Who else has an opinion that counts?

  6. My friend is 30 and is moving to Oz (from Ireland) in a month, for good, to live with his 50 year old Missus.

    Age is nothing..........thirst is everything.....That's good. I might use that one.

    In conclusion, Drink Sprite


  8. If you think it is acceptable then it is.  If you had been say 2 years younger I would have thought it a bit of a tricky situation. Many marriages or long terms relationships have much wider age gaps and are very successful.  I don't know how long you have been going out with your boyfriend but because there is a 9 yr gap I would just go with the flow for a year or two before thinking of setting up home or marriage. This way you will be sure.

  9. ur 18 its your choice not theres!!

  10. Ask them why they disagree?  Encourage them to be precise in their answers.  "He's too old for you" or "you're too young for him" are not real answers.

  11. Completely acceptable! I know my friends parents who were 51 and 61, still quite a gap, not much of a difference. Your 18, it's fine.

  12. You might think it is now but you might wonder about it in a few years as you get older.  My girlfriend dated a 40+ when she was 20 but she knew the deal and it was basically trading herself for the fancy dinners and flights on the plane that he could afford that a 20 something likely couldn't.

    Only you can really know if it's too much of a gap but I'll lay odds that you'll think it wasn't ok in 15 years.  Time will tell...

  13. as long as he's treating you well, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

  14. Sure - if you are a mature 18 year year old that is!  But if your family don't like it it'll make things hard, especially if your still living with your parents.

  15. I would have to agree with your family, the age gap is too large. When you get to say 25 plus, then a nine year plus gap isn't so bad and would be fine. At the age of just eighteen, you've plenty of more stuff to do first before you even are in a proper relationship, never mind with someone who is miles ahead in life. It is likely it won't work out longer term, and if you were my sister, I'd be peeved about this guy.

    It could work out of course, in exceptional circumstances, but in most cases the answer is a no. You decide

  16. there's 8 years between my parent and they've now been married for 27 years, so I don't really think that age itself is an issue.

    What is important is where you are in your lives. Are you both wanting the same thing? And do you think you'll still be wanting the same thing in a couple of years?

    Because if in a few years you want to settle down and she's still wanting to party like a 20 year old that could be difficult.

  17. As long as your 18 it is o.k.  - yes he is older, and may have more experience, however, at one time it was thought that a woman should get involved and perhaps marry a man who is at least 10 years older than she.  So, based on that, at least according to my mother, your exactly where you should be.  I hope it works out.

  18. I personally go for those around my age group (22-25) but if you feel happy with this guy, then by all means stick at the relationship!

  19. I know two ladies who each married someone 15years older than them..  they are two of the happiest couples I know and have been married for years..  much longer than most couples these days....   age is only a number.   It is what you feel in your heart that counts and no one can analyze that but you.

  20. It really depends on the people. The gap sounds like a lot but there are many younger people who are very mature and many older people who are still just big teenagers. If you two click and have good chemistry, who cares what people think? Besides a 9 year age gap doesn't exactly scream "Anna Nicole".

  21. NO, yuck and a half.... BUHUH

    when he was 9 you were just being born, what the h**l?

    2 or 3 years i can get but 3 times that amount?

  22. When I was 17 I went out with a 31 year old guy and we were together for 10 years! We split up last year but we were very happy together for quite a few years.

    I think a 27 year old guy is at the same level as an 18 year old girl anyway.

    18 year old boys are still children, buut I think 18 year old girls are women.


  23. 2 years either side is okay.  But any more is wrong.

  24. I think its fine, its only 9 years. My friend is 17 and her bf is 32

  25. who cares about some age gap

  26. Well we all have our own opinions... if you love him i suppose its alright!

  27. As you get older the age difference matters less and less, what your parents are most likely thinking, is why is a 27 year old, interested in an 18 year old girl.
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