
Access ftp from my company?

by  |  earlier

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I need to access a folder on an ftp site, and I want to access it from my work PC (my company doesn't allow ftp connections).

Is it possible to access an ftp folder without having to use the ftp protocol ( ?





  1. You cant access ftp without permission your company if its not allowed then you cant, unless you hacking the system of the company you work for.

  2. technically, yes.  If the FTP is setup to access over the web, this will use a different port setup.  FTP's use TCP port 20 and 21.  While HTTP (www) uses port 80.  And there are more ports with security like SSL (port 443) and so forth.

    If the ftp you wish to get to is setup to use with the web, then you can type in ftp://nameofsite.extention

    then input your login and password and you'll be fine.  If it's not setup to use http, then you are outta luck.

    Good luck on this

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