
Accident Advice?

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I was in a car accident on Tuesday. My car was T-boned on the driver side by a truck. I went to Emory Adventist hospital and was xrayed. I was given muscle relaxers and anti inflammatories. I am still in pain and do not have medical Insurance. IF i go back to the emergency room, will I have to pay or can i file it on the other partys insurance since they were at fault. I have not even received a rental car and am still awaiting the adjuster from his company. I have become severly depressed, very moody, and irratable. I have not been able to sleep without the muscle relaxers. Someone help I feel like im losing this battle.




  1. Okay first off I'm assuming this was NOT your fault, correct?  Don't believe anything that anyone tells you that you should not contact you insurance if it wasn't your fault.  Another reason you have auto insurance is so they can fight for you.  Usually (depending on the state)  your insurance will pay all medical expenses and seek payment from the other party's, whom was at fault, insurance company.  You should never pay out of pocket for an auto accident...period.  What you do is go to the doctor and tell the front that this is an injury from an auto accident.  They will hand you a paper to fill out that will ask you two important questions...1.what is the claim number of the accident? and 2. who is YOUR insurance adjuster handling the case?

    Also if you go over a certain amount (PIP) of medical expenses, usually around $2000, you will be guaranteed pain and suffering from the other insurance.  

    The reason I know all this is because I went through it a year ago.  I also highly recommend you get a lawyer because all insurance company's like to low-ball.  Here is the breakdown of what happened, in my case.

    Property Damage(car)= $8266

    Medical Expenses = $4800

    Pain and Suffering offer (without Lawyer)= $1700

    Pain and Suffering offer (after getting Lawyer) = $6800

    Remember this is NOT your fault and Good Luck!

  2. It depends on the state. I know that Florida is "no fault" state, and your own insurance company is responsible for your repairs and medical bills, disregarding whose fault it is.

    *However* are an insured driver. You were abiding the laws of the road, when you were struck. THERE IS NO REASON THAT YOU SHOULD DROP *ONE RED CENT* FOR REPAIRS OR MEDICAL BILLS!!!

    ○ Hopefully, you called your insurance company and the police immediately. If you have a police report stating that the other driver T-boned YOU, then HIS insurance company should be billed by the emergency room!!!

    ○ Call the other driver's insurance company and tell them that you are in pain, depressed, laid up and unable to work or drive without a replacement and if they don't act *now* that you will have to get a lawyer involved. Demand a rental and ask them to refer you to a doctor!!!

    ○ If the insurance company isn't helpful, call the guy that hit you. Shop rental companies and get a good rate. Ask the guy who hit you to pay for the rental. Tell the other driver how you're feeling, and that his insurance company isn't acting fast enough.  Make it clear that you don't want to have to get a lawyer involved, but that you have already have a lawyer on standby.

    ○ Get a referral from a friend or family member for a good lawyer. You can use "yahoo search" or google "lawyer" + your zip code and read reviews from past clients.

    ○ Call the office and tell them that you are a "victim of a careless driver" and can anyone offer a "free consultation"?

    ○ Create a folder, and save EVERY DOCUMENT regarding the accident, including (but not limited to):

    • Accident report issued by police/sheriff/state trooper

    • Hospital bills, release forms, etc.

    • Car rental quotes

    • Handwritten accounts of your conversations with BOTH insurance companies. (-names of customer service representatives, employee numbers, confirmation numbers, adjuster names and telephone numbers). Note time & date of every conversation.

    • Adjuster’s quote

    • Eyewitness accounts of the wreck

    I know it's hard, being that you're in pain and unable to conduct life as it were, but you must be aggressive and thorough. Just like the commercials say, "Insurance companies have a team of lawyers on their side, shouldn't you?". The insurance companies deal with wrecks/injuries and even deaths every day, and their own best interest is most important. They will do anything to keep you from getting a lawyer involved. Just be tough and persistent.

    Good luck!!!

    ♣ missa

  3. Since you went to Emory I am guessing that you may be in Georgia.  If it was the other persons fault then they have med pay to help with the bills.  If there insurance does not pay all of it, then claim it on your insurance and they will pay you and then subrogate agianst the other parties insurance for the money.

  4. U can make that parties insurance pay any bills related to the accident. but they wont pay untill you are released from you dr for example you have physical therapy for two years then the hospital will try to collect that bill from you. Keep copies of EVERYTHING. every time u discuss the accident with any insurance company get the persons name you speak to, date, and time. And If you work, do not except a settlement from them unless they pay you for time lossed. Good Luck.

  5. In Florida, no-fault insurance is in effect.  Your insurance company (under no-fault) pays your expenses, then goes after the other party's insurance company.  Check with your company in regards to what the medical payments are and for the damage to your truck.  Do not speak to the other insurance company, only to a representative from your company.  It it is over the telephone, make the caller prove he/she is from your company.
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