
Accident Report...changing story

by Guest59986  |  earlier

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In an accident report can the other driver change it's story after the acc. report was filed, He stated to the police that she in fact hit me in the rear which resulted in me hitting another vechicle, and that vehicle hit another. My vehicle had the most damage to the front due to hitting a large SUV.

His insurance company is claiming he hit me after I hit the SUV after the driver clearly hit me resulting in me hitting the other vehicle. Now they are refusing to pay or my damages. Can they do that? Can he just change a story and his insurance company go by what he says even though the accident report from the police is stating that he in fact hit me first. Please answer. I'm confused is my first accident.




  1. They can change the story to their insurance company but they cannot change the police report, just let the insurance company handle this and all will be fine........

  2. Unless the police officer actually witnessed the accident then his report is just that -- a report. People do this all the time so just let your insurer iron out the mess for you.

  3. do you think his insurance co. is your friend. let your ins. co. fight for you that is what you pay premiums for<

  4. Let your insurance company handle it. Don't worry about it.

    The other side is going to say all sorts of ****. My aunt was a passenger in a Taxi that ran a red and got T-boned. The taxi company's attorney found a doctor who testified that my aunt, because she's female, would have had osteoperosis and would have been debilitated even without the accident in a few years, thus the taxi company should pay her less $$$. (Can you believe this ****?!)

    Just tell your insurance claim adjuster the whole thing. THEY will argue with the other insurance companies and come to a conclusion, or else they go in front of an arbitration board. Eventually, the stuff will get resolved. Don't worry too much about it.  

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