
Accommodation fees?

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How do you pay your accommodatiopn fees while at university? Do you apply for housing benefit and when do you apply for that?




  1. dmx is great

  2. dmx sux cause he didn;t answer a question.... most people pay all their fees with loans.

  3. When you go to University most people apply for a student loan. I think it's changed in the last few years but everyone used to be eligible for 75% of a loan and the further 25% was determined on your circumstances, so if you come from a rich family you'd only get the 75% but if you come from  a much poorer background you could get up to 100% of the loan.

    Anyway this loan is meant to pay for your fees and some of it is supposed to go towards accommodation and food.

    It is also worth checking out with the university what support and advice they offer. Some may have small grants towards accommodation but I suspect there will be criteria you have to meet to be eligible.

    Many students get part time jobs too whilst they study to help with the finances.
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