
Accurate pregnancy test result...? ?

by  |  earlier

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i think i was spotting last week around aug 18-20.

i had s*x aug 9.

my period starts around aug 27 or 28.. so i haven't missed a period.. yet.

does that mean i should wait two weeks after the days i was spotting to take a pregnancy test for it to be more accurate?... or since its already been two weeks since aug 9, should i be able to get an accurate test result by now??




  1. Wait tell after you miss your period then take another test if its positive go to the doctor!

  2. You should try and test around 4 weeks after the unprotected s*x, this will give you the most accurate result.. it will give your body enough time to produce sufficient HCG (preg hormone) to give a positive on a pregnancy test

    Good luck xx

  3. There are good tests that show results up to 2 weeks before your missed period. Tests detect HCG, the hormone only present when your pregnant so its more likely to get a false negative then a false positive.  Usually, HCG shows up in the urine 14 weeks after ovulation and fertilizations so i would say wait till you miss your period at this point and then maybe test sept. 1st?  The clear blue digital is very easy and wont leave you guessing at faint pink lines! good luck!

  4. You can take a test now. They have tests out there that can read results up to 5 days before your missed period. Get two just in case you have to wait one more week. Also when taking it, follow the directions for taking the test in a cup. It's more accurate that way.

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