
Acidophilis for kids?

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my daughter has high functioning Autism, she had to take antibiotics for 2 years straight when she was little because of grade 3 reflux, how much acidophilis would be good to give now to reduce possible yeast overgrowth? I bought supplements that are 100 mg capsules it says 1 cap 3 x day but she is small 75 lbs so I have only been giving 1 a day




  1. And make sure you use a good quality brand. Lots of them are garbage. Some good brands, off the top of my head, are Primadophilus, Kyodophilus, Enzymatic Therapy Pearls, and Culturelle.

  2. I would still give her the 1 cap at least 2x day. if she has yeast overgrowth, you want to stop it-- acidophilous is just a naturally occuring organism in the gut anyway-- anything not needed will just be expelled from her system.

  3. If it's an Acidophilus for kids, I would follow the recommendations on the package (based on her age). If it doesn't specify any age range, I would call the company and ask what the age range is to be on the safe side... she can probably use more than 1 per day if it recommends 3 daily.

    The best thing about probiotics is that you can't "overdose"... if there are too many in the system, they will naturally flow out with the waste. That being said, a child should still get a child's dose because too much may encourage more waste to flow out.

    Besides, if she's been on antibiotics that long, she probably doesn't have any probiotics left in her system, so she'll need all the support she can get. Good luck!
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