
Actual paranormal any?

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thanks a ton guys, im really glad ppl didnt disrespect this question.




  1. This is one I'll never forget...many many years ago when I was in the 8th grade one of my friend's had an overnight slumber party. Someone got the idea that if we sat in a circle held hands and placed a candle in the middle of the circle we would  be able to communicate with loved ones that had passed on. At one point someone called out for a grandparent that had recently died  and almost as if on cue a roller shades at the end of the room released itself. There was no one even close to it. We just about jumped out of our skin. Needless to say we slept with the lights on that night.

  2. On the paranormal site I visit I've posted quite a few, and there must be hundreds on there by now.

    Membership is free - no strings - no ads etc. So is very easy to become an online member and learn from. You can then post your own stories if you want to.

  3. Yes, once there was this search team and they were somewhere in Spain. Basically they were tracking down the Chuppacabra and when shining the flashlight they saw a glaring pair of eyes. I saw it on You tube....... I'm not sure if it was real though.....

  4. Yes, I have a few. The one that I need answers to right now has to do with a shadow man that I have seen several times in the past few months. I have seen him in the same general area in my bedroom. It happens during the day. I have looked directly at him for several seconds before he disappeared. I do not feel threatened, but I have had several frightening experiences at night since I first saw him. I have been asleep and been awakened by someone grabbing me by the back of the neck and shoulders and shaking me. I turned once and saw a shadow. I have a sense that it was shadow man but I still don't think he was trying to hurt me. I do have a tendency to quit breathing at night and I thought maybe this happened and he was trying to startle me into breathing again. I have been talking to him and trying to communicate but to no avail. Any suggestions on what this may be?

  5. Oh. Yes. Many paranormal stories.

    When I was in high school, we moved into a 'new to us' house. It was great because we'd always lived in apartments.

    Anyway, because we hadn't gotten all the rooms in order,  the first night we stayed in the house mom and I had put all my younger siblings to bed in one of the downstairs bedrooms.  

    After they were down for the night, we sat in the livingroom discussing our game plan for the next day when we heard the kids running back and forth and playing upstairs.

    Mom told me to go upstairs and get the kids back downstairs and into bed since they had school the next day. I dutifully went upstairs only to discover all the lights were off. I went through all the rooms and there was no one there. Confused, I went back downstairs and told mom that they weren't upstairs.

    I no sooner sat back down then the noise started up again. It was very clearly kids, running back and forth upstairs, playing with the toys that we'd already put up in the toyroom, etc. Now mom was mad at ME and told me to get back up there and get the kids downstairs and into bed.

    I trudged back upstairs to find the same thing as before. Lights out. No one up there. I looked in all the closets, behind the moving boxes, etc. There was no one at all there.

    I went back down, told mom that they weren't up there and, once again, had no sooner sat down than the noise started up again. This time I jumped up and ran to the room where the kids were supposed to be sleeping...and found them all sound asleep in their beds.

    We lived in that house for years and there were always weird things going on. When we finally moved out it was bought and sold over 15 times in the first two years...guess not everyone can live with a ghost.

  6. I have one, i went to a castle in wales, and i was looking at this picture and my family had gone to the next room while i was looking at this picture, the room went freezing cold and i turned around realising my family had gone and a suddenly a a chip of pottery or somthing just flew straight across the room and landed near my feet, it came out of now where and there was nowhere for it to have came from it was so wierd. i Still have the peice of pottery lol

  7. I have plenty! but an example would be that around six weeks after my husband died i was lying in bed staring at the closet, not really thinking about anything, well, the bed started to shake, not hard but it was definitely shaking. I started thinkin to myself'" is this bed shaking", waited a few seconds and then thought'" yes this d**n bed is shaking, are we having an earthquake?" then it hit me like a ton of bricks! So I sais aloud " I love you Rob and I miss you"...the bed stopped immediately, so I know it was my husband letting me know he was alright, now I wish I had had the courage to turn over to look to see if he was actually standing there but I was to stunned at the time and not prepared at all, it was also the room he died in, it was pretty reassuring to me because he was a nonbeliever in the paranornal while alive and I am obvious a believer, we had some pretty good conversations about our beliefs, so I guess I proved  that I was right or he was trying to let me know I am right. I have also found coins and smelled his cologne when I enter that room so its him alright, I miss him but I also know hes waiting for me too. he was only 47, way to young to die and way to young for me to be a widow

  8. This is the reason I am so interested in the paranormal.

    When I was 10 years old my family went to Gettysburg, We went to Devils Den and my brother and I went on exploring the area. I looked over and leaning on a huge boulder there was this man, he was dressed in tan ragged pants pulled way up high, a plain long sleeved button front shirt, suspenders and an almost cowboy hat. He was so clear and was looking out over the edge to the field below.

    I said to my brother "look he is playing his part"  my brother said who no one is there, but he was there. That image became part of me. It burned itself so deep into my brain I just could never forget him. Almost 10 years later I was watching a t.v. show on haunted battlefields and there he was my mysterious cowboy. I wasn't seeing things I really did see a man. Well the ghost of a man anyway.

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