
Adding a second amp?

by  |  earlier

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I have one alpine amp powering 6 speakers in my celica right now. I'm going to power two alpine type r subs with an additional amp. I think i need a capacitor for one thing. do i need a drycell battery or is that the same thing? and since im going to have two amps in my car do i need a distribution block or do i just connect them both to the battery?




  1. I agree with "lunchbox" A battery is mainly designed for "storing" power. when you draw from it (start car) it is designed to supply voltage which it does slowly.... which is fine until an amp is introduced. An amp wants power NOW and a cap is designed to release power faster than it can take it in. (on a very long bass note i can drain mine) So regardless what size amp you have, a cap will always help out on hitting hard. Even on very quick bass. Old metallica for example, what used to sound like a blur of thumps overlapping each other is now tight and individual.

  2. Yea lunchbox knows what he's talking about. I'd recommend a 2 channel amp so your wont have to bridge your subs and have to worry about low impedence levels. Hook each sub up to the different channel. Definitley get a distribution block so you can split your power cable. They have them at walmart if you can't find one. That block makes it easy to split the cables. You feed the main power cable into one end and then feed two smaller ones in on the other side to your amp[s].

  3. you don't need a battery yet.  A capacitor is always good for storing extra power and also maintaining a steady voltage.  It will be easier to if you use a distribution block for power and ground (remember to use the ring that comes with the grounded dist. block).  I've got a similar setup with a RF P3 in a vented box and it slams.  There's a digital readout on my cap so I can see the sub taking huge power when it hits.
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