
Adolescents and teens and parents?

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help me write a graduation speech?

can you help me write a draft for a grad speech for this may its due in oct tho and i want to get it out of the way before i get busy with school

blue and white

<2,000 kids total in high school

ask me a question if you need any more info ill add detail in 3 min




  1. You aren&#039;t going to get a very satisfying graduation speech from people here in cyber world. You should really write one yourself.

    Best of luck to you! : )


  2. Well Maybe You can relate school to tv like On the first day it was like fear factor and different tv shows

  3. All i  can say is good luck and make it you!!I made a gradd speech two years and i loved itt!!good luckk :))

  4. It really doesn&#039;t count if you ask us all to help you.

  5. ummm say how much u will miss the school, describe fun memories, talk about the teachers, say how much this school has motivated u to be sucessful, talk about the great friends u made over the years, the good education

  6. Here are tips I thought would be helpful from my graduation in June. I didn&#039;t make a speech but this is from the audiences perspective.

    Don&#039;t repeat the same fact over and over again. Use humor but make sure it is truly funny. A dry speech will make people fall asleep, a failed attempt at humor will have them make fun of you after the speech. Don&#039;t go rambling on about one specific topic while describing it in great detail. At my graduation someone asked the audience &quot;How many people have seen the movie Cars?&quot; and about half raised their hands. Then he went on to give a summary of the movie! I was bored after one minute and I hadn&#039;t even seen it. I felt bad for the people who had. Don&#039;t say how the diploma is really just a piece of paper and that it really isn&#039;t important. One of our valedictorians kept saying that and it makes you not cherise your diploma. He had a point but he could have said it in a better way. Speak about the great experience in high school that your class had and if anything funny happened during the year (like a prank or something) add that in before you give the final speech. Remember that giving the speech will be a closing to all your years in school with your classmates so don&#039;t make it too sentimental if you don&#039;t want to cry. I went to a really small school until my sophmore year (&lt;1,000 students) and I know I would have broken down if I graduated there, I almost cried just looking at pictures! I had been with the same few hundred people since kindergarten and even though we weren&#039;t all friends we were still close.

    Take a deep breath before you go up there and you&#039;ll do great. Good luck and congrats on graduating! It&#039;s fantastic!!

  7. you could do a poem...

    Twelve years

    have come and gone:

    We never thought

    It&#039;d take so long.

    But as I walk

    across this stage

    The flashbacks start

    of long lost days.

    Of times that made

    us laugh and cry

    and how we made

    our teachers sigh

    Times of pain

    and sorrows woe

    we all were pushed

    yet would not go

    We learned to grow

    to love, to live

    We learned to care

    Laugh and glorgive.

    So many times we

    were stuck with fear

    but now you see

    we;re standing here.

    Tears of joy

    fall to the ground

    laughter and love.

    is all around.

    So now we leave

    the world to our own

    we start out now

    to seek our throne

    you hold your future

    in your hand

    mold it and make it

    into all you can.


    It finally is here,

    But who can really not fear

    what life will bring us

    with the new Class of 2008.


    We al say we want to leave here

    we say we do but we really care...

    Because, think about it. For some of us we grew up together

    and for the rest of us we met and stuck in it together.

    some of us will go here.

    and some will go there.

    As we think back we will laugh and cry.

    and it will make up laugh or cry so hard and we&#039;ll shut our eyes.

    And in our mind travel back in time.

    to Jeter-Watson to be with our friends again and again.

    Will we follow our dreams.

    And cecome what we want to be?

    As we move on to a new school

    will we still think our jokes were cool?

    We always thought about leaving high school

    but  on this day we all wish we were staying.

    So as we walk out of here today, remember,

    High school bonded us together, forever.

    This goes out to my friends and teachers,

    I love you all and miss you all already!

    Those were our big high school, poems durring graduation.

    Talk into the past for a speech.

    Like what Elementry was like... Middle... and High school was like.Don&#039;t make it boring, keep it simple. So everyone understands and won&#039;t fall asleep put some humor in it.

  8. you should do it yourself- make it from your heart.

  9. you do realize adolescents and teens are the same thing right?

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