
Adolf Hitler's Birth Chart.

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Sun in Taurus 0°49'

Moon in Capricorn 6°51'

Mercury in Aries 25°43'

Venus in Taurus 16°42'R

Mars in Taurus 16°24'

Jupiter in Capricorn 8°15'

Saturn in Leo 13°28'

Uranus in Libra 19°29'R

Neptune in Gemini 0°51'

Pluto in Gemini 4°42'

Eris in Pisces 19°02'

Ascendant in Scorpio 1°

MidHeaven in Leo 10°

What made him the man he was? Was it saturn in leo? What aspects caused him to be like that




  1. It was the Scorpio Rising. Scorpio rising people will seek revenge and  use what you fear against you.  They can be pretty rough.  That, coupled with the discrimination prone Taurus and Capricorn is a lethal combination.

  2. Well, first there is Venus/Mars conjunction that squares Saturn; the conjunct is explosive and pent up by Saturn can be uncontrolled and cruel.  Then   the conjunct of Neptune and Pluto even tho it's generational still deals with illusion and monstrous change. And there is no connection between his Mercury and any planet, including his personal planets, so he has no sense of self or reality.The Nept/Pluto are in the 8th house (death) so a great emphasis there and Pluto is ruler of Asc, how his world begins, how he approaches life(manipulation and illusion)  So much more!!

  3. I've always been perplexed that Hitler had Libra Rising. I'm sure his rising had progressed into Scorpio. I finally came to the conclusion that is part of why we often wonder about how someone with Libra Rising can be so aggressive in personality. Progression can also explain how Pisces Rising can become so aggressive once it has moved into Aries Rising turf.

    I think a Libra Rising probably also enabled him to hide what was lurking beneath, Mercury opposition Ascendant and 10th Saturn square Venus and Mars. Uranus in the 12th does not help as it indicates psychosis and a persecution complex.  

  4. His rise to power was a combination of factors. Saturn on his Midheaven/10th. His Ascendant in Scorpio. Moon and Jupiter in conjunction in Capricorn

    Mars square Saturn is said to be a "rise and fall" aspect in a chart. No matter what the person builds, it will eventually crumble because the person always builds on 'sinking sand' so the speak and tries to take shortcuts. Hitler's shortcut was to aid his growing power by using the well known political tool of blaming a scapegoat.

    Having Venus conjunction Mars is also a very powerful aspect. People having this aspect tend to attract attention and draw people to them. They have an almost hypnotic effect upon a crowd. I've noticed this in the charts of many leaders and celebrities.

    In his chart, Saturn is squaring both Venus and Mars, suggesting inhibitions and a thwarted sexuality. The Venus and Mars conjunction has a lot of energy, but Saturn inhibits and restricts.

    It looks as if Uranus is in his 12th house of self-undoing and fears. In poor aspect to his Jupiter and Moon conjunction, I think that would create a great tendency to blame others for all of his problems. That in turn would probably create a great deal of hate.

    I think it's 1 Corinthians 13:12 which contains the phrase: "For now we see through a glass, darkly."

    That is what I think of when I look at this chart.

  5. Correct chart:

  6. Hi Mommy

    I have studied that chart a while back. His Pluto is in the 8th house of death (blood) and with Neptune (lethal weapons). This has played a great part in his bloddy career.

    For the record, Hitler was very proficient in Astrology which accounted for his perfect timing on almost all his actions by having a good judgment. His Capricorn were occupied by Moon & Jupiter well aspected. His war machine was almost invincible, perfect planning and preparation due to his knowledge of Astrology.

    Even his enemies conceded that he had a superb sense of timing and wondered where it came fron.

    They didn't realize that he knew astrology and used it to his advantage.

    Unfortunately, he overlooked Mercury opposed to his Ascendant. Time finally caught up with him.

    So whoever chose SATURN as the greatest contributory factor are correct because Saturn, in the end, caught up with him even after  ducking, with his routine-like methods, orthodox methods, etc....

  7. The North Node is related to the soul's intent in this lifetime and the South Node to the soul's past.  Think of the nodes as designating a path.  The North Node lies at your feet and is laid out before you.  That is, it represents the path of the present and the future, where you are headed.  The North Node, by its sign and house position, outlines what your soul came here to accomplish this lifetime so that it might evolve.  The North Node represents your soul's intentions and objectives for this lifetime: your path to self-actualization.  When transits or progressions make contact with your North Node, it represents opportunities and lessons that assist you in becoming conscious of needed changes in your life--changes that will bring about growth and evolution.

    Strange facts

    Hitler is a reincarnation of Caiaphas, the high priest who ordered the crucifixion. As you know the true hand behind the crucifixion of Jesus was Caiaphas - the leader ......


    Napoleon was born in 1760

    Hitler was born in 1889

    ( difference-129 years)

    Napoleon came to power in 1804

    Hitler came to power in 1933

    (difference-129 years)

    Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812

    Hitler entered Vienna in 1941

    (difference-129 years)

    Napoleon lost the war in 1816

    Hitler lost the war in 1945

    (difference- 129 years)

    Both came to power when they were 44 years old

    Both attacked Russia when they were 52

    Both lost the war when they were 56

    Strange, isn't it???

    It's fantastic, although I think there are some slight manipulations: Hitler entered Vienna before 1940, with the Anschluss, and Napoleon was defeated in 1815, not 1816. Anyway, it's scientific prove that Hitler was Napoleon's reincarnation.

    Bush & Hitler

    Even though Bush was born on the exact day that Hitler died. Or just a Coincidence food for thought : )

    Love & Blessings


  8. worst person on planet earth

    i don't like him

  9. Wrong Chart. In Great Britain and the USA the most commonly used chart, rated AA  by Clifford is as follows:

    Adolph Hitler

    April 20, 1889

    6:30 PM LMT

    Braunau am, Austria

    Others give a chart that is somewhat earlier, they are usually rectifications.  Wilhelm Wulff was a German astrologer forced by the n***s to work under Heinrich Himler, the SS chief, as an astrologer.  They used astrology as a propaganda tool.  Neither Hitler nor anyone else thought it had more value than that.  The data Wulff was given is as above except the time is 5:56 PM Local Time which comes out to 6:04 PM LMT.  Rumen Kolev, a Bulgarian astrologer expert in the use of primary directions, rectified that to 6:03:28. LMT

    In all cases, other than sources with no supporting documentation whatsoever, Hitler has Libra rising.  This makes more sense than Scorpio as Scorpio reacts, while Libra, as a cardinal sign, initiates. However in both cases we have a severely debilitated ascendant ruler.  With Libra rising we have Venus in Taurus, domicile, but retrograde (works against the native).  This makes her an accidental malefic.  She rules the ASC and the 8th house of death. Using the 6:30 pm time, and Regiomontanus cusps, she is within five-degrees of the 8th, which at the very least has her doing 8th house stuff.  She is conjunct Mars the lesser malefic in Taurus, the sign of his detriment.  Both are square an elevated Saturn, (the greater malefic) in Leo, his detriment.  Saturn in Leo alone is not enough to make the personification of 20th century evil.  Millions upon millions of people have that.  JFK had Saturn elevated in Cancer also detriment.  

    If, and it doesn't make sense to me, Scorpio was rising, Mars becomes the ASC ruler and the battering is the same as Venus gets, but the reaction to the environment is different.

    The Moon is conjunct Jupiter both in Capricorn, the sign of the Moon's detriment and Jupiter's fall. Moon - Jupiter contacts are often lucky and he was, to the detriment of all. Four of the seven classical planets are in serious debility.  

    Mercury in Aries opposite the Libra ASC gives some oratorical skills (sometimes).  All in all this is a difficult chart.  It does not, nor does any other chart, spell "Mass Murderer."

    The only chart I've seen with an ASC ruler in as bad a shape as Hitler's is that of Charles Manson.  He has Taurus rising, with Venus in Scorpio (detriment) combust the Sun and Square Saturn.  Venus is sextile Mars in Virgo for good measure.  Plenty bad, but not as bad as Hitler's.

    The real key is the ASC ruler and its horrid condition.  If Scorpio was rising, Mars becomes the ASC ruler and the battering is the same as Venus gets, but as stated above,  the reaction to the environment is different.

    Was Hitler the worst person ever?  I suppose at that level of evil, it really doesn't matter how we rate them, but if we compared him to other 20th century monsters, and use just the number of people killed as our benchmark, Stalin and Mao make him look like a choir boy.  Unfortunately we do not have any birth data for either. Recent scholarship indicates Mao is directly responsible for the deaths of 70 million of his countrymen.  That is more death than every person killed, military and civilian, in WWII.  At one point, when shipping food to Russia that his people needed to survive,  about 38 million Chinese starved to death.  Mao's response?  "Half of China may have to die."  

    Stalin weighs in with a certainty that he starved 10 million Kulaks and probably purged at least 10 million more.  Pol Pot, another 20th century affront to decency, killed off about two million of his people.  Why mention that low number?  It was about one-third of the total population of Cambodia.  As the recently deceased Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out, the USSR ran slave labor camps up until their demise in the late 1980s.

    The 20th century produced some real sweethearts.  Hitler was only one of them, and the only one who lost a war.


    The chart given by the questioner is rectified according to the information given on the site linked to.  Rectified charts are often the result of the astrologer's biases finding what he or she wishes to find in however he or she does it.  This doesn't make the astrologer dishonest only human.

    Solar Fire lists Frank Clifford's rating of AA from baptismal certificate. Clifford worked with Lois Rodden gathering and rating birth times on thousands of charts.  In other words, as far as documentation is concerned, unless someone comes up with something better, this is as accurate as it is going to get.  The 6:30 PM time then is probably from mother's memory and admittedly mother is pretty busy during the birth process,  In my opinion, if he were born near 7:00 PM, she would have said so.  6:30 is probably a rounded time from when she first looked at a clock after the birth or asked someone.  Rectifications are always suspect, but not always wrong.


    >I've always been perplexed that Hitler had Libra Rising. <

    Why? Libra is a masculine, cardinal, air sign.  Scorpio is a feminine, fixed, water sign.  Why would we believe a guy who, by force of personality, started a world  war would be reactive rather than proactive?  Scorpio rising, in this case, is senseless.

  10. i think it was the moon in capricorn

    becuz most murderes r capricorns and sagitarrius

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