
Adopting a sibilling?

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okay so i like really want a little sister a brother would be fine too.. but yeahh and my mom is getting to old to have kids.. how do i ask her if we can adopt a baby..

and i think out of anyone my mom would want to adopt beacuse she was adopted her self and is really grateful to her parents and i would think that she would want to do the same for another child.. if i was her i would at least




  1. Adoption is not a way to get you a new toy to play with.  Adoption SHOULD be a way to find a family for a child who needs one.  It's not fair to give a baby a job (i.e. to be your play-thing, fulfill your need for a little sister (or brother if you can't get a sister), etc.).  Ask your mom for a doll, not a human child.

  2. W3ll iF Y0Ur M0M iS q3ttiNq 2 0lD 2 h4V3 AN0tH3r 1 d0Nt Y0u thiNK SH3 W0ULd B q3ttiNq 2 0lD T0 B CH4SiNq 1 4R0UNd?? && I AqR33 WiTh Th4 P3RS0N B3l0W M3h U C4Nt JUz AD0-Pt A CHiLd F0R A pLay T0y && W3N Y0Ur D0N3 JUz qiV3 it 4W4y S0 JUz ThInK AB0Ut ThAT |*BuH tH3 D3SiCI0N iZ Up 2 Y0Ur M0tH3R*|

  3. Have you even thought about the fact that your mother may not want more children? You don't walk up to anyone and butt into their personal lives like that. If my child ever suggested that I birth or adopt a child just for their amusement I would be livid. Obviously you are old enough to have some sense of appropriate boundaries, can you imagine your mother walking up to you and saying

    "Hey I really want a grandchild to play with. Do you think you could go get drunk and knocked up at some party this weekend?"

    Good lord... Leave your mother's life to your mother and get a virtual pet instead.

  4. Just ask your Mother what she thinks about adopting another child. Tell her how you feel. Explain that you have thought about having a sibling and you were wondering how she feels about it. I can tell that you think your Mom is wonderful and are greatful that she was adopted because you love her very much. Make sure you mention that to her. I am sure that at the very least it will be a touching experience to hear this from you! If she doesn't feel that this is the right thing to do for your family, make sure you respect her decision. Having a child is very expensive and hard, but it is also extremely rewarding and wondering. Having a brother/sister can be hard for you as well, but you would just have to remember you wanted this and be patient and very helpful. Many adopted children have been in very bad or painful situations before they were adopted and the experience can be hard to deal with, so just remember to be ok with whatever comes out of your conversation with your Mother and be careful dear, what you wish for!

  5. I would just tell her you would like a sibling and ask if she has thought about adopting another child. The work would fall on her since she would be the parent and have to raise another child, so it is very reasonable she would say no. But there is no harm in mentioning this to her. Raising a child  is a huge amount of work, and a big financial burden. She may be hoping to pay for your college, and adopting another child might mean that isn't possible. There are a lot of things adults have to consider when deciding to have more children. So be aware of this and that it might be more than she wants to take on at this point in her life.
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