
Adoption Laws?

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does anyone know the laws on how long you have to live in your current residence to adopt. or are there any? i live in texas.




  1. Texas states nothing about lengh of residency.

    How can someone become an Adoptive Parent?

    A prospective adoptive parent must meet a basic set of criteria that includes:

    being at least 21 years of age,

    financially stable, and

    willing to share personal information.

    The approval process begins with a telephone call or attendance at an informational meeting. Then, you will need to attend specialized training dealing with becoming an adoptive parent and go through an in-depth home study process. During the training and home study processes, prospective adoptive parents and all household members age 14 and older will be subject to criminal history and abuse/neglect history checks. If everyone in the home has successfully completed all these steps, the agency will decide whether or not you will become an approved adoptive family.

    View the state of Texas Dept and Family Protective Services Website

  2. I live in Texas, had a homestudy done for the adoption of our two children from China and I don't believe I was asked how long I have lived in this house? In fact, I know someone who moved during her homestudy and just needed it to be amended to show the new address. I don't know if it works differently for adoptions from other areas.
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