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I was plannig on adopting 3 kids until i saw how much it costs! it said anywhere from 17,00-3,500 dollars PER KID! Why does it cost SOOOOOOO much to help someone. They look at income but we'll be out of $ if we adopt a kid just for adopting them! This doesnt make sense. please tell me why you think they make it so high to adopt.




  1. Check with your local DCFS office.  They are always looking for people willing to adopt older children and also children with special needs.  I can't speak for every state, but in my state they reimburse you for all of the court costs.  The child has Medicaid until 18, and there is also a monthly stipened that will help with special needs until the child turns 18.  

    If you already have specific children in mind, check with your employer.  Sometimes they help pay for adoptions and as mentioned already, there is an adoption tax credit available for costs incurred from adoption.  Good luck

  2. Well we live in a small world so you know first the parents need too get money(if they want) and the adoption center

  3. it is wrong to make people pay for children it's like selling them or something. but i think it's to show that you really want the children and your willing to give things up for them in this case money.

  4. Adopting older kids and kids with disabilities does not cost that much (if you meant 17 000 and 35 000).  In my province, people who adopt hard to adopt children often get money from the government until they are 18.  I think you are confusing your information with international adoption and adopting newborns.  

    If you meant 1700 and 3500, then that could be legal fees and home study fees, but when you are old enough to adopt you will realize that that is NOTHING compared to the cost of actually raising a child.

  5. Surprisingly, the front line people working to make an adoption happen receive very little monetary compensation. The ones receiving the majority of the money are the big wig ceo's of the agency's sitting in their multi million dollar homes.

    The foster parents that look after a child that's in limbo receives pennies towards the child's real expenses.

    If you really truly want to be a parent & adoption is the choice you have made, and you really want to help someone, than try going the route of adopting from foster care. Be open to older, handicapped, sibling groups, hard to place children. Their adoption is usually free.

  6. We adopted THREE for FREE!

    Try the foster adopt system. They reimburse you for expenses until the adoption is final and even then if there are special needs you get support.

    GO FOR IT!

    Want to know how?

    this is our story - with LOTS of information on completing an adoption in your state!

  7. they look at finances to make you sure you will plenty of $$$ to take care of the baby or child in the even you lose your job or get out of work medically.........for the safety of the child being adopted.........its really descriminate I think......

  8. If you live in the US adopting an older child from Foster Care or a sibling Group of 2 or more DOES NOT Cost this kind of money....

    Not sure who you are talking too?

    Not only is it nearly Free to Adopt Older Children and Sibling Groups but, in many cases if the children are considered Special Needs (this is based on age typically over 3 yrs and the majority of sibling groups are always considered SN) the adopting family will quality for a Federal Tax Credit (not deduction) of nearly $11,000 for each adoption that would be nearly a $33,000 Tax CREDIT (taken off you actual Tax Liability) that could be rolled over and used for a period of I believe 3 or 5 yrs....

    In addition to the fact that any costs the Adoptive Family would pay (usually very very low) Most states will cover any costs for Travel, and transition....provide an attorney to complete the Adoption Paperwork.

    It is also very possible that adoptive families who take an older child or sibling group would in many cases qualify for a monthly Adoption Assistance Subsidy...Cash to provide for any additional needs these children may have as a result of the difficult lives they have lived... As well as Medicaid or State funded medical insurance until the child is age 18 and in some cases 21....

    There is no reason for anyone to tell you that adopting an older child or sibling group would cost this much! At most some families do contract with private agencies in order to have their Home Study completed more quickly then State Paid Social Workers are able to get to it....and in some cases families hire their own attorney.... Maybe pay for a Training Class or a fee to join a group....

    If you are hearing these kinds of numbers for the cost of adopting waiting children from Foster Care I would investigate a different Agency or Contact your own County Child Protection or DHS office and report it and ask for information about a more reputable way to go......

  9. because people take advantage of the system or some people need the money to keep the orpanhge open. What I would do is go over to China and adopt some of the poor kids over there. They wont look like you and youllpay like 300 hundred dollars for the paperwork for citezenship but its worth it and youll love them

  10. I think it's more than that once everything is taken care of.  Just focus on adopting one for now.

  11. Adoption is a pretty involved process and the PROCESS is expensive.  You aren't "buying" a child; you are paying for the legal steps that need to be taken to adopt.  

    There is a great variation on how much this process costs depending on the adoption route you choose to take.  Please research all options very thoroughly.  If you want to adopt special needs children, please do additional research on the resources these children will need so that you will be able to provide them.

    Good luck.

  12. It's a complicated legal process - as it should be.  You want to be absolutely certain that the child you adopt is yours.

    There are tax credits to help with adoption, and I know families without a lot of money who have adopted multiple children.  

    Find an agency you trust and work through them.  In some cases, fees depend on how you're going about adoption - international vs. domestic, out of the foster care system or directly at birth.

    A good agency can talk you through your options and give you a realistic idea of costs.

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