
Adoption Woes?

by  |  earlier

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I was adopted privatly shortly after i was born. my biological mom is my adoptive moms cousin. i know her name and were she lives. and i'd like to contact her.

im just not sure about going about this, please help




  1. I think you should first talk to your adoptive mom, ask tell her what you're wanting to do. And see what she thinks. Then ask if maybe she wouldn't mind being the one to call your bio mom 1st and find out if she is ready to have contact with you and how she'd like to arrange it. IE. Letters 1st, or a phone call, e-mail.....Whatever would ease the tension for both of you. And just remember to take it slow, and try not to let yourself be hurt, if she does not want a relationship with you. That would be her choice, and you'd have to respect that. Also remember that your adoptive mom loves you alot! Good luck!

  2. just take it slow goodluck

  3. What about writing a letter? Or a short note saying you would love to meet her with your contact info?

  4. You certainly do not need your amom's or any one else's permission to speak to your mother. A good step might be to join a support group for adoptees.

    My favorite online one is

    best of luck to you

  5. Some good advice here:

    Good luck

    p.s. If you are a grown adult, you need nobody's permission to contact another adult

  6. Would your adoptive mom call her first to break the ice?  They are cousins.  It would give her a day or two to prepare for your phone call.  She might even be willing to visit you or meet you somewhere.  She's family...literally.  It's not like she's a stranger. Do what feels best.  :)

    Whatever you do,  make sure you tell her thank you for giving you to a home that loves you.
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