
Adoption hearing?

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Is it normal for the baby or toddler in my case to be there in court for the adoption hearing?




  1. In our case, the finalization was very informal and private, with the judge sitting at a table with us rather than at the bench, and our son running around the courtroom. My mom was with us and kept him entertained and supervised as we signed papers etc. Our attorney had informed us it would be this way...very friendly and chatty. We also took pictures with the judge.

    As your attorney or SW for your courts normal procedures, or even the court clerk.

  2. It depends on the state you are in. I live in California and here it is REQUIRED that you  TAKE the children with you. The judge wants to see the child, see your interaction with them, make sure the child is ok, and to see that the child is happy.  When you make your appointment for your hearing just ask them what is preferred by the judge.

  3. Some courts want it, some do not. If in doubt call the judge his secretary can give you all the info you need. Congrats.

  4. The adoption cases in my state allow children.  The judge likes to see the new family together and if it is an older child he/she will talk to the child.  We also were able to take some pretty cool pictures at the end, even one with the judge and my son together.

  5. My children were in the court room when their adoptions were finalized. They were all 3 and under. The judge loved seeing us all together. We got to take pictures with the judge. At my sons adoption he got to sit in the judges chair and use the gavel. He was also given a bear with an adoption certificate with the bears name and my sons. Oddly at our girls non of that happen and it was the same judge. I guess he likes boys better!

  6. no, most courts have a "no kids allowed" policy.

  7. I'm not sure what kind of hearing this is. If it is through child welfare it might be different, but here is our story...

    We adopted my daughter as a newborn. She was release from the hospital to our care (2 days old), and has always been with us. Her adoption was finalized at 8 mo (CA requires she be with the family 6 mo before finalizing then there is paperwork and court dates). We took her to the finalization hearing. In addition to the paperwork being official the judge took the opportunity to congratulate us on the adoption and we took pictures with the judge to document this milestone in our daughters life. The othe families finalizing that day also had their children (we saw them in the waiting area).

  8. They usually prefer children under the age of five to stay out of the court room.
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