
Adoption info please...?

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I am looking to adopt an infant in the next couple years or so. I am am wondering what kind of information I need to know for the agency. I don't know much about adoption, but I want to know I'll be okay going through the process. I called the company and they said the approx. wait time for an infant depends, but it has been about 3 months. I read reviews on their website but there was no reviews on the search page. I'd rather pay as less money but I need help with finding the right agency. Is there agencys that you can go through out of state? Does anyone know any good agencys with websites that I can visit? thank you.




  1. Theres a great website called which will give you tons of information.  Almost anything you would want to know and its completely free.  And yes, there are agencys that you can go through out of state.

  2. First decide if you want to adopt within the USA or if you want to do an international adoption. Each country has different requirements. You can start by looking at the US requirements found here: Then from there, check out the Read everything you can. The process is long and sometimes difficult, but well worth any wait or difficulty in the end. I highly recommend it! E-mail if you have any specific questions. Good luck!

  3. Why an infant?  There are so many children in foster care waiting for homes

  4. Now i'm pregnant 6 month+, i'm never married. I'm looking someone  would like to adopted my baby. I'm Filipino and the father of this baby is malaysian chinese. Send me email if you like to adopted my baby. Thanks

  5. We used Adoptions From the Heart and highly recommend them.

    Good luck!

  6. i think you should adopt because then you can say that you saved someones life. Also you should adopt a child from your country instead of worrying about other countries because they all have there on problems to figure out. I adopted a baby form America, which is where im from and i new i did something good.

  7. 3 months?  I'm an adoption supervisor and I'd say at least 1-3 YEARS for a healthy infant.

    This is a scam.

  8. Um, to above, the adoptive parents don't split the families apart that is a very false statement. There are thousands of unwanted babies waiting in foster care for adoptive parents to come along and give them a home. Adoption isn't idea, and there are plenty of problems that the child will have growing up due to their loss and sense of identity, but 90% of the time a baby will have been given to a foster home to be adopted. Private adoptions happen where the birth parents give the baby to the adoptive parents but usually adoptions through agencies occur because there are already children waiting or a parent has decided that they do not want to keep their child before it has been born and because social welfare have taken a child away due to abuse or inability to care for that child.

    And there are costs involved with adoption, and having to pay is a first step to showing your commitment in raising a child.

    I oppose parents adopting their children out but I don't oppose adoptive parents giving homes to children who have already been given up and are being shifted round foster homes.

  9. Adoptive Families Magazine has a great website with lots of advice.

    We adopted our daughter through a private adoption agency in Indiana. From the day we turned in our application to the birth of our baby the wait was almost one year. Our daughter is African American.

  10. Go to

    They are great right now I am going through them for my adoption and I could not ask for any thing better. You can chat with them and ask them questions any day or night. Also they have a book called adoption online and its really good. It gose through all the steps like what to do first dear bithmother letters, home visits, everything. I would go there you can look at people who need somone to adopt there child or you can see people who have adopted befor. Also Life Time Adoptions was on the Today Show and so you know its gotta be good. If you have any questions please e-mail me I love talking to people who adopted or are wanting to adopt!

  11. This site has lots of information, photos of children awaiting adoption, support groups, local and international adoption resources as well.

    You may want to think of contacting an adoption lawyer to ensure you are working with a reputable firm.

    Good luck!!

  12. Adoption rules vary from state to state, but most states require evaluation through an agency. The most accurate source for required documentation would be the agency itself, but in general you would need a home study, proof of financial responsibility, criminal background check, proof of citizenship, and interviews or letters from personal references. Our experience with international adoption through Wide Horizons for Children was positive.

    You might find the wait a bit longer, and that rules differ for domestic and international adoption.

    Best wishes!

  13. Don't you find it distasteful to pay money to raise someone else's child?

    You don't mention if you are fertile or infertile. If infertile I suggest living a childless/free life style.

    If not, there are plenty of other ways to help children, and adopting isn't one of them. Playing a part in separating an infant from his/her mother is disgusting.

  14. My family went through Childrens Hope International. I can't exactly remeber their website, but they are so amazing, they are always their for you, they are like family to us now. They are for internatinal adoptions.Good Luck!

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