
Adoption is it really that great?

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I have just found out that i can't have kids and my husband is a cancer servior and he can't have kids ethier is a doption a good idea




  1. yes it is the next best thing I was adopted and it was great. if the child has a lot of baggage it just means that he/she would need a lot of love to over come some fears. just remember that they were probably abandoned or was really hurt by a or both bio parents. with me i was molested by my bio dad. and my mom and dad did crack so i had a lot of baggage. and needed to be helped to see that not every one does that and that i was safe.

  2. I don't mean to throw cold water on this, but I'd be a little afraid of adoption personally.  I believe there's more to hereditary personality traits in the genes than many think.  I have seen this several times - when a child doesn't even know their father (in this case), yet he seems to be exactly like him, personality wise.  Then there's the prob. of physical traits.  Since most adoption records are sealed, you are taking a risk, in my opinion.  Of course, some get lucky and their adopted children inherit good traits.  Such as artistic talents, etc. and good personality traits.  They could be the child of someone who just made a mistake and got pregnant by accident, but is really a good person.  And, of course, some of the way they turn out is due to nurture.  All of this is food for thought.  I would not go into it lightly.  Of course, you will love the baby.  Babies are loveable.  You need to think about the long haul.

    Good luck.

  3. Only you can answer whether or not you and your husband can lovingly welcome a child into your home. My guess is probably....It was the most wonderful experience of my life and you will bond with the child and they will be your child. If you want children it sounds like it would be the best route for you.

  4. As an adoptee, I can tell you that for the kid it is great.

  5. yes if you both really want to have kids. If you get a baby it will be like it is yours, or you may even want an older child then you dont have to go through the baby stage. I think whatever age it is, if you think of it as your own child, which it will be once you adopt it, you will be fine.

  6. Yes, adoption is really that great!

    It's got to be hard learning that you can't give birth to your kids, but as an adoptive mom myself, I can tell you that adoption is a wonderful way to start a family.

    Lots of luck and love!

  7. While you are coming to terms with your infertility, l would suggest starting out by fostering a child.  This would help give you some insight into the bonding process with a child who isn't biologically yours. Remember, the majority of children awaiting adoption aren't newborns, so you may have to start with a child who is a little older.  Also, it would give you a head start into knowing about raising a child, the responisbilities, etc.  You and your husband really need to talk about these decisions together, and make sure you're on the same page.  Good Luck to you both, with whatever you decide, l hope your lives are blessed with a child!

  8. If you truly want to be a Parent, then I say absolutely yes.  My husband and I struggled with infertility for over 6 years. We began our adoption process in Sept of 2005, and waited until May 2007 for our placement. I can tell you this. I fell in love the second I saw her, and my husband has made me so very proud of the way he has stepped up to the daddy plate.  She, Our daughter, has brought us closer together, we smile a ton more, even tho we are not getting many z's!

  9. Both of my children were adopted, and it's been the best thing we ever decided to do. Be sure to research the different types of adoption, and decide which one would work best for your family.

  10. Adoption is a most wonderful life changing experience.  I would highly recommend it if you truly want to be a parent.  In the end what really matters is that you are creating a family and if that is what you want you will not be sorry.

  11. I was adopted when I was 11, I am 30 now.  I was adopted with 3 of my siblings, so we were able to stay together.  We were adopted in an open adoption so i was also able to stay in contact with my biological mother and the rest of my family.  Here is what I have to say, firsthand, on this topic...

    Adoption is a wonderful avenue for those that want children, whether you can have your own biologically or not.  It can prove to be the most rewarding thing for both you and the child(ren) that you will ever know.  Not only does it fulfill a need for you but it gives a home and a future to a young person that otherwise might have been lost.  I read many people's ignorant remarks and comments made from lack of firsthand experience regarding heredity and background, etc... while those things should be taken into consideration, they should not become deterrents.  There are many groups that can facilitate an adoption, either open (I do not reccomend) or closed, where you receive a full medical history of the parents, and often their families.  No child should be left w/o a family b/c of how and to whom it came into this world.

    If you truly have an open, loving heart and you want a family, please adopt.  There are soooooo many children in the world that will die never knowing the love of a family.  If you have the means and the desire then you owe it to yourself and the child(ren) to open your family up to a baby or an older child (many older children are overlooked, unfairly b/c people want babies).

    As someone who might have had a very tragic end had I not been adopted (my mother was a schizophrenic drug addict) I implore you to explore the option of adoption on a more formal level than Yahoo answers... The decision you make could change many lives forever.

    Good luck.

  12. i think so to me its really heart filling to see a child be adopted good luck

  13. I adopted two of my three children and I can tell you I've never been sorry!  It's a great way to become a parent, whether or not you can conceive.  In my case, my physical problem was finally diagnosed and treated, and I was then able to become pregnant.  I can say, however, that I do not feel differently about my "natural" child than about the other two.  Not at all!

  14. Adoption is a wonderful journey.  We experienced three failed ICSI procedures (a form of IVF) and when we learned of our son, I was terrified to consider adoption.  One of the best things that the adoption agency taught me was that I had to learn to "grieve" my infertility and that I would not carry a child.  Once I was able to do that, I realized adoption was a good choice for us.  

    I still worried that I would be able to bond with this child but once I held my son in my arms - my heart couldn't be filled with any more love.  He is truly my son - and there is no doubt in my mind or my heart about that.

    Good luck to you.

  15. I have a 4 year old sister that my parents decided to adopt when I was 18. She was 2 months old. My sister just celebrated her 4th birthday 2 days ago and I bought her a baby alive and she had really been wanting it. She screamed and kept saying thank you sissy. I have a 4 month old daughter and its weird for me to have a sister so lung but I knew her birthmother and I look at those big blue eyes and that smile and I know she is truely in a happier place.




  17. yeah, i wish could be adopted. when you adopt (especially an older kid), you make a child feel loved and special. if i had someone like you told adopt me, you wouldn't believe how happy i would be. please adopt. as many kids as you can afford.

  18. I personally think that it is the best idea......I am adopted and feel like the luckiest girl alive....I would like to know who my birth family is not because I dont love my parents but because we all need to know where we come from - that is the only thing that can pop up......But you will love that baby so much and they will love you.....You would be their parents!!! GO FOR IT

  19. OF course...

    i mean if you adopt a child like 1-10 they will finally have a home a family and a normal life.

    And in the long run they will love you for what youve done

  20. Please give it a lot of thought and do a lot of research and see how you feel. You need to give yourself time to come to terms with your infertility. It can be wonderful, but isn't for everyone.

  21. yes it is! If your husband and you both always wanted children then this a great way to have them. I have one bio-child and one adopted child and both ways were fantastic to have children. Talk to people in your area who have adopted and observe the children and ask detailed questions. That should help you with your decision.

  22. Yes!  What a lucky child!  There are so many children in need of a stable homelife.  Good luck and God's blessings.

  23. My brother and I were adopted and I can tell you from this side I have the worlds greatest parents. They were always open and honest with us about being adopted and told us we were their chosen children. Just because you can't have a baby through you body does not mean you can't have a baby through your heart. Good luck.

  24. adoption is wonderful! it's a great way to create a family and it's as real and powerful and loving as any other way to have a baby. i have an adopted child and a biological child and they are both the joy of my life. i believe wholeheartedly in adoption. good luck! it can be an emotional roller coaster to go through all the bureaucracy but it is very very worth it.

  25. My parents adopted a 1 year old 15 years ago.  He is a great addition to our family.  BTW I am much older than he is.  They have enjoyed it.  You can do foster care also which helps a child and gives you the chance to see what being a parent is like.  Good Luck

  26. yes...adoption is the only choice. i salute to all people who adopt children and take good care of them and give them a life.

  27. Absolutely!!!  You will fall in love with the baby.  You'll know when the fit is will just feel right!!

    Good Luck

    Momma P

  28. It depends on what your expectations are.  An adopted child can never take the place of the baby you and your husband would have had.  That child can never be the child you would have given birth to.  But if your expectations are reasonable, adoption can be wonderful.

    I really hope this isn't your only source of input about such a major decision, however.  Why not research opinions on adoption by adoptive parents, adopted people, and birth parents?  The internet is full of these.

  29. Adoption is one of the best things in the world!!  lol....of course I'm biased because I'm adopted and a birth mother. :D

    I was adopted at 9 months old.

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