
Adoption overseas?

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I'm looking for any information regarding adoption overseas. I'm mainly looking for where to begin for adoptions in Russia or Romania. Any help is appreciated.





  2. I'm looking at adopting too.

    The best website is

    They have many orphanages listed that you can look at and some even have photos of the children. I'm looking at the site

    They have lots of biographys about each of the children there. I'm currently trying to figure out if you can go there directly like takeing a plane and get one of the children or if there is a waiting process. I have a while to wait tho. I'm only 18 so I'll have to wait a few years. I am very excited tho!

    Best of luck and be sure to check out the sites I posted for you!

  3. U.S. citizens can no longer adopt from Romania.  The Russia program is open, but I don't know too much about it.  I'm sure someone else can lead you to resources about it, and I'm sure you can find many resources online.

  4. In your search engine, Google or Yahoo, type in "international adoption" and +russia. That will direct you to some international adoption agencies that can guide you through the process.

    Why Russia and Romania? Anything magical about either place? There are many countries from which it is much easier to adopt than these two countries - Russia is becoming more difficult all the time and Romania just isn't going to happen.

    Good luck to you

  5. Have you ever thought of adopting from Ukraine?  It used to be part of Russia, but is now considered to be part of Europe.  The children are beautiful, and they allow independent adoptions.  In case you aren't familiar, independent adoption is when the country doesn't allow adoption agencies to operate there, so you do the adoption "on your own" with the help of a facilitator/translator.  This ends up costing you half of what most other countries cost, and  you can rest easy knowing that there is not an agency making a big profit on your child.  We adopted from Ukraine four years ago, and if you want to read about it, I've just recently added our adoption journal to my website below.  Good luck with your journey to adopt! : )

  6. I don't know much about adopting from Russia but I know that the Romanian adoption program is currently closed.
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