
Adoption question!???

by  |  earlier

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Oh well, hey guys.

Im wondering if it is possible for a 17 old kid to be adopted legally in the US, even though his parents are still alive and stuff. In short i just want to switch families for geographical reasions, dont want to move from the school, city and mostly the country.


More info will be rather appreciated!




  1. In order to be adopted you parents would have to give up their rights.  You would then either become a ward of the state or be considered an adult depending on which state you live.    It would be easier for a seventeen year old to become emancipated.

  2. If you have good reasons, you could be emancipated. But it's one more year, can't you just deal with it until your 18?

  3. If it's OK with your family then maybe you guys could find a family friend that is willing to take responsibility for you?

  4. Your parents may be able to make someone else your legal guardian until you turn 18

  5. now what i want to know is y don't you like your parents you should be ashamed by the way dont me dont know how to spell that

  6. i am pretty sure you can be adopted at any age..dont quote me tho

  7. Your parents would have to rescind their parental rights, which could affect things in the future such as inheritance, making medical decisions for your parents when they are old and sick, etc. That is the only way you could be adopted by another family. By the time all the legal formalities went through you would probably be 18 anyway. If your family is moving and you want to stay in your home state to finish school, check with your guidance counselor. People have made such arrangements to stay with friends and finish school for a year. Somebody at your school should know what needs to be done but you parents needn't sign away their parental rights.

  8. it would be a better idea if you could find someone to be  temp legal guardian

  9. You needn't go through the formality and cost of being adopted........especially since you are almost 18 years old.

    Why can't you just stay with some friends to finish off your senior year, and then join your family when you've graduated?  Or, if you are not interested in moving out of the country after graduation, at the age of 18 you don't have to.

    Think outside the box son!

  10. you have to get your legal parents to agree and get legal custody papers to have the new family to sign and agree too. this is not removing you from your original family it just gives the new family the right to make decisions for you.

    For example if your mom didn't want to take care of you she could give legal custody rights to a friend and they would take care of you instead... your mom would still be your mom but this new person would have the control of your rights... they would be know as your custodian parent. Your real parents would no longer have the right to tell you LEGALLY what to do.

    Go to the court house and explain your situation to them and see what they suggest.
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